DO Right!

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DO Right!

This is the show from Wednesday April 21st, 2010.

As far as we know Barack Obama did not commit fraud in garnering student aid as a foreign born minority lad.


* Fear the Reaper: It could be the end for Bob Enyart Live on KLTT Radio. So if you listen in Denver call the station and encourage them keep Bob on the air! Then subscribe to one of Bob’s monthly resources or make a donation to do your part to preserve Godly Truth on the radio.

* They Killed Kenny: Actually it was Theo van Gogh. Meanwhile the imbecilic & juvenile “South Park” producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone aren’t dead yet, but a Moslem website surely has them beefing up security around the mansion. And while they may keep Allah’s martyrs at bay, they stand to have a lot of explaining to do on Judgment Day.

* The Pentagon Paupers: So devoid of any spirituality are the top brass at the Pentagon that they may disinvite Franklin Graham from praying there because he maintains, promotes and proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Islam is a false religion, and is even… brace yourself….evil! Could this mean that the godless heathens are now aligned with Mohammed Bouyeri, (who prevented Theo Van Gogh from offending Moslems as well).

* Card Check: Bravo to the Arizona legislature for asking Barry H.O. to produce his birth certificate if he wants to be on the 2012 ballot there. Now we’ll have to see if the bill makes it to the governor’s desk, (and if there will actually be a presidential election in 2012).

* Flame Out: A Florida family has returned their son to the same government school system that produced the classmates who set him on fire. Find out how this is just one of the ways the godless government schools are scarring kids for life.

* Softball Sissies: Well, apparently not quite sissy enough... Three confused deviants are suing a homo-softball league in Florida that said they weren’t queer enough. Just the existence of a homo softball league is enough to make guest host Doug McBurney wonder if the whole culture is just too far gone…

* Gecko in, Liberal Out: Geico has apparently fired left leaning voice actor and idiot Lance Baxter for exposing his ignorance for all the world to hear. It’s a small victory, but we applaud!

* Darwinian Botox®? In a rare point of agreement between Charles Darwin and Bob’s second string fill in guest host, (Bob in no way acknowledges this possible agreement pending a thorough review of the facts) a study indicates that repressing the physical expression of emotion by filling ones forehead with botulinum toxin type A may reduce one’s ability to experience the full panorama of emotions: not as bad as buying into the hoax of evolution, but disquieting just the same.

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