DO NOT: Making agreements or covenants with sinners or people who have sinned.


Do not make agreements or covenants with sinners or people who have sinned.

You may think that God's people can make covenants with others to accomplish a greater purpose or end. I advise against it.

For a person to protect oneself from harm by joining in with sinners to keep oneself from what is viewed as a greater harm or threat compromises God's Word, His Law, and His Gospel. It is not just what comes from God that is compromised. You are not just in a compromised position. You have compromised. That is to go against conscience. And, it is to go against God. So don't do it. Stand by God's Word and do not compromise His Law or His Gospel in Jesus Christ. Speak the truth in love. Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Understand not just the times in which you live but the truth of God's word and that which you do not accept as true should you come across it or be forced to think about it. Remember, we do not fight against people. We fight against evil. Rebuke your neighbor, and preach the word of God. Forgive as God leads you to do so. Forgive others when they have harmed you or injured you or sinned against you or offended you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven by God. Do not accept that which is evil as good. Allow God to lead you in all ways and in all things.

