DNR?? Dorothy, You're Not in Kansas Anymore!
Wednesday June 21st, 2006. This is show #123.
* AIDS activist Sarah Porter should be charged with attempted murder for intentionally spreading the infection.
* During the 90s, America did not really lower our epidemic murder rate, but only postponed it, until we started to release the extra million criminals we put in jail. Now, they're coming out, and the murder rate jumped five percent to hit 16,900 victims in 2005.
* Our producer's wife, Dorothy Greybar, is alive because her husband Ray refused a nurse's request for a Do Not Resuscitate order. Patient Beware!
* The U.S. Supreme Court will review the symbolic Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, but even if upheld, the ban would not stop a single scheduled abortion, because abortionists are trained in multiple techniques, and they would simply use a different technique to kill the child scheduled to die during that appointment.
* Loretta from Arvada (long-time listener, first-time caller) asked how to revoke the organ donor instruction she signed on the back of her driver's license. Answer: Scribble it out with a magic marker and write REVOKED!
* Mike from Arvada visited the National Aquarium in Baltimore and exposed a gutless fish evolution exhibit.
Today's Resource: Read Bob's informative God's Criminal Justice System syllabus and learn how God intended for us to use criminal law as a tool of evangelism!
Wednesday June 21st, 2006. This is show #123.
Summary:Ray Graybar: My son in law, Mark, had an interesting comment. He said, "I think what Dorothy ought to do is put a big sign above her bed: 'I'm not an organ donor.'"
Bob Enyart: Yeah, because the fear is since the bias in our medical community is you're better off dead if you're a bit older or you're struggling with disease. The bias is you're better off dead. And then if you're an organ donor then they're sure going to err on the side of killing you because that's what they'd like anyway.
And one of the reasons this has happened is because in America we now have a culture of death. And when people are guilty they look for ways to try to justify themselves and to relieve their guilt.
* AIDS activist Sarah Porter should be charged with attempted murder for intentionally spreading the infection.
* During the 90s, America did not really lower our epidemic murder rate, but only postponed it, until we started to release the extra million criminals we put in jail. Now, they're coming out, and the murder rate jumped five percent to hit 16,900 victims in 2005.
* Our producer's wife, Dorothy Greybar, is alive because her husband Ray refused a nurse's request for a Do Not Resuscitate order. Patient Beware!
* The U.S. Supreme Court will review the symbolic Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, but even if upheld, the ban would not stop a single scheduled abortion, because abortionists are trained in multiple techniques, and they would simply use a different technique to kill the child scheduled to die during that appointment.
* Loretta from Arvada (long-time listener, first-time caller) asked how to revoke the organ donor instruction she signed on the back of her driver's license. Answer: Scribble it out with a magic marker and write REVOKED!
* Mike from Arvada visited the National Aquarium in Baltimore and exposed a gutless fish evolution exhibit.
Today's Resource: Read Bob's informative God's Criminal Justice System syllabus and learn how God intended for us to use criminal law as a tool of evangelism!