DNC squeals over Obama theoretics


Well-known member
The only defining mark of Obama and the Left is theoretics. That's why it feels so good to 'bring those soldiers home to their families' but doesn't matter if that's how ISIS flourish. The Surge worked and was not theoretical. Even if you don't think the initial campaign was right, realistic policy is to make things work and the Surge worked. Obama wasted it and X000 lives because he and Hilary's fans hoot so loud at their revival services (sorry, DNC) that O&H must follow that sound at all cost!

The Horn

Interplanner , ISIS arose because the illegal, immoral and unconstitutional invasion of Iraq by those two war criminals, war profiteers and mass murderers G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney . This disastrous invasion destabilized the entire middle east . As horrible a man as he was, Saddam Hussein kept all the warring factions in Iraq under control and everything was stable .
And now you;'re accusing OBAMA , who was left with the horrendous mess created by Bush and Cheney and handled it as best he could , of causing loss of life ? Sheesh almighty !

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
As horrible a man as he was, Saddam Hussein kept all the warring factions in Iraq under control and everything was stable .

try selling that crap to the kurds he gassed and the millions killed in the war with iran


The only defining mark of Obama and the Left is theoretics. That's why it feels so good to 'bring those soldiers home to their families' but doesn't matter if that's how ISIS flourish. The Surge worked and was not theoretical. Even if you don't think the initial campaign was right, realistic policy is to make things work and the Surge worked. Obama wasted it and X000 lives because he and Hilary's fans hoot so loud at their revival services (sorry, DNC) that O&H must follow that sound at all cost!


The mujahideen consisted of at least seven factions, who often fought amongst themselves in their battle for territory and control of the opium trade. To hurt the Russians, the U.S. deliberately chose to give the most support to the most extreme groups. A disproportionate share of U.S. arms went to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, "a particularly fanatical fundamentalist and woman-hater."'

According to journalist Tim Weiner, " [Hekmatyar's] followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil. CIA and State Department officials I have spoken with call him 'scary,' 'vicious,' 'a fascist,' 'definite dictatorship material."There was, though, a kind of method in the madness: Brezinski hoped not just to drive the Russians out of Afghanistan, but to ferment unrest within the Soviet Union itself. His plan, says author Dilip Hiro, was "to export a composite ideology of nationalism and Islam to the Muslim-majority Central Asian states and Soviet Republics with a view to destroying the Soviet order." Looking back in 1998, Brezinski had no regrets. "What was more important in the world view of history?... A few stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War."


- a disproportionate share of U.S. arms went to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, "a particularly fanatical fundamentalist and woman-hater."'

- followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil.

- followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil.

- to export a composite ideology of nationalism and Islam to the Muslim-majority Central Asian states and Soviet Republics with a view to destroying the Soviet order."

- "What was more important in the world view of history?... A few stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War."

Despite the objections of the CIA, the Reagan Administration was more than willing to provide the predecessors of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS with $6 billion of military equipment, including 1000 stinger missiles.

Of the approximately 600,000 Soviets that served in Afghanistan, 14,500 were killed, another 54,000 were wounded and 416,000 became ill with typhoid fever, hepatitis, and other serious diseases.

As long as these Moslem fundamentalists were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan during the 1980's, America considered them "freedom fighters" and "the moral equivalents of American's Founding Fathers" - it is only when they redirected these same efforts toward the US that they became "terrorists!"
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Well-known member
Interplanner , ISIS arose because the illegal, immoral and unconstitutional invasion of Iraq by those two war criminals, war profiteers and mass murderers G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney . This disastrous invasion destabilized the entire middle east . As horrible a man as he was, Saddam Hussein kept all the warring factions in Iraq under control and everything was stable .
And now you;'re accusing OBAMA , who was left with the horrendous mess created by Bush and Cheney and handled it as best he could , of causing loss of life ? Sheesh almighty !

Aren't you aware of the grief of good people in the military about having stabilized things in the Surge and then lost it all in Obama's evacuation. Check with Germany, S Korea and Japan about the value of having the US stay around.


Well-known member

- a disproportionate share of U.S. arms went to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, "a particularly fanatical fundamentalist and woman-hater."'

- followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil.

- followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil.

- to export a composite ideology of nationalism and Islam to the Muslim-majority Central Asian states and Soviet Republics with a view to destroying the Soviet order."

- "What was more important in the world view of history?... A few stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War."

Despite the objections of the CIA, the Reagan Administration was more than willing to provide the predecessors of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS with $6 billion of military equipment, including 1000 stinger missiles.

Of the approximately 600,000 Soviets that served in Afghanistan, 14,500 were killed, another 54,000 were wounded and 416,000 became ill with typhoid fever, hepatitis, and other serious diseases.

As long as these Moslem fundamentalists were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan during the 1980's, America considered them "freedom fighters" and "the moral equivalents of American's Founding Fathers" - it is only when they redirected these same efforts toward the US that they became "terrorists!"

But we are never going to be able to go back 30 years to change that. We can only change the drift of the last 5 years, which is down to Obama, his failures, his experiments and his non-line in the sand.