There is "one" thing you can count on D'ism: everything is two.
Two gospels,
two thrones,
two heavens,
two kingdoms
two groups of Christians,
two new covenants,
two bibles.
It's got the "twots". It's a hoot with the twots.
Hi and lets see who has the " toots " !!
#1 , there are not to Gospels , but 4 Gospels and IP does not know what to call the ONE in Rom 5:14 , what GOSPEL it is , so much for I P and deserves at least 10 " toots " for I P !!
#2 , There are at least 1000 n Thrones in nthe bible , one " toot " for this one !!
#3 ,Here is a good one and says there are just 2 HEAVENS when the bible says there are 4 and another ten " toots " for this one , IP !!
#4 He says 2 Kingdom , when there are MORE , the Kingdom of Heaven , Kingdom of His dear Son , and Eph 1:10 speaks to other HEAVENS , and this is a really " TOOTER " !!
#5 Number 5 , not "toots " and must be FAKE NEWS until I P gives verse for PROOF !!
#6 Here is another "'TOOTER " so lets hear it fot the " TOOTER " 1 P !!
By the way , the Number 2 by Bullinger means DIVISION or DIFFERENCES and way to the LEFT !!
dan p