Did Trump Usher In A Reagan-Like Bull Market?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Did Trump Usher In A Reagan-Like Bull Market?

Why, did you know that in a note to clients Tom Lee wrote that Donald Trump’s term could usher in major bull market akin to those preceded by Ike and Reagan?

“Notably, the two longest bull markets in history 1953-1974 and 1982-1999 were preceded by a Republican ‘revolution,’” he wrote.

Lee likened Trump to the Republican presidents in this way; Eisenhower in the early 1950s invested in infrastructure, and Reagan pursued tax cuts and deregulation, Lee wrote, much like what Trump has promised to carry out in his presidency.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
A year and a half after I started this thread, Trump is still WINNING!!

Dow surges 350 points as stocks book weekly gains
Published: Feb 23, 2018 5:08 p.m. ET

"For the week, the Dow climbed 0.4%, the S&P 500 logged a weekly climb of 0.6%, while the Nasdaq Composite notched a return of 1.4% over the period, outstripping its equity benchmark peers......."

".......In its semiannual monetary-policy report, the Fed signaled that it saw broad improvement in the U.S. economy and pointed to a pickup in inflation toward the end of last year, but didn’t suggest that a rise in prices warranted more aggressive policy action.

Indeed, the Fed stuck to its forecast for inflation to hover at or below its 2% target in 2018. The 12-month rate of inflation based on the Fed’s preferred PCE index stood at 1.7% in December......."

The Barbarian

The boom seems to have reversed quickly:

Stock market sell-off a taste of things to come, Morgan Stanley warns
20 February 2018 • 7:38pm
he global stocks sell-off that rattled markets earlier this month was just an “appetiser” before an even gloomier main course as a nine-year bull run reaches its final stages, Morgan Stanley has warned investors.

The investment banking giant’s models indicate that developed markets are caught in the “late stages of a late-cycle environment” and that a combination of softer growth and climbing inflation could hit investor returns this year.

The Dow Jones and S&P 500 – the two major benchmark indices in the US – plunged into correction territory this month amid fears that rising inflation will force the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates quicker than markets had anticipated.

The correction – when stocks fall 10pc from an index’s 52-week high – was widely seen as overly frothy equities letting off steam but Morgan Stanley believes that the plunge could be a tremor before a larger downwards move on markets.

The US bank predicted that markets could begin to struggle after the first quarter of 2018, arguing that a concoction of “rising equities, rising inflation, tightening policy, higher commodity prices and higher volatility” resembles a familiar pattern before stocks stumble.

“Underneath all that sound and fury of the recent volatility spike, we think we're still dealing with a playbook with a reasonable amount of precedent,” its strategist Andrew Sheets told clients.

Meanwhile analysts at Credit Suisse and the London Business School also struck a grim tone, arguing that they see little chance the recent boom in asset values can be repeated.

Part of the cause was low interest rates which have pushed up valuations, and the shift from higher rates in the Eighties and Nineties to very low rates in recent years will not be repeated.

Indeed it could be reversed as interest rates are now rising gradually.
