Denver Detective Marcus Chavez vs Grandma Jo

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Denver Detective Marcus Chavez vs Grandma Jo

This is the show from Tuesday June 29th, 2010.

Detective Chavez says he's pro-life but says to Jo Scott, "Don't you know you have the right to leave them alone?" What a mocking statement by someone who claims to believe that the child has a right to life. What a liar you are detective Marcus. What a liar you are. "The child has a right to life" and the 1 woman in the whole state of Colorado who is there every day [trying to save them] and you tell her to leave them alone? You lying dog.


* Hear a Denver Cop Investigate Jo Scott : According to Denver Detective Marcus K. Chavez, the crime scene video below shows Jo Scott assaulting the woman going into the Planned Parenthood abortion mill. Do you see what I see?

* National RTL Profile: Take any of these links to the NRTL Pro-life Profile...

* American Right To Life Press Release: at and PR Newswire & ChristianNewsWire:

ARTL Criticizes Rival National Right To Life

DENVER, June 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- American Right To Life Action, the political 527 group which claims a role in derailing Mitt Romney's presidential hopes, is now publishing a critical profile of the National Right To Life Committee. American RTL's anticipated dossier of its rival arrives simultaneously with National RTL's annual convention this weekend in Pittsburgh., created by a nationwide research team working for American RTL, documents that National RTL has violated its sacred trust by staunchly opposing all efforts to enforce the unborn child's right to life and personhood; by its defense of politicians who ignore abortion when nominating judges; and by its repeated endorsement of pro-abortion politicians."

National RTL's 30-year strategy of trying to get the Supreme Court to admit its error and overturn its own Roe v. Wade decision is naive legally, historically, and politically," said Darrell Birkey, ARTL research director. Their failure to overturn Roe is not surprising because the Justices have referred to their 150-year old pro-slavery Dred Scott decision 56 times without the court ever admitting to the illegitimacy of that ruling's crime against millions of people.

"After a war, a constitutional amendment, and abolition, the Supreme Court still has not acknowledged its illegitimacy for denying full personhood rights of black slaves," said Birkey, "so waiting for the court is a blunder."According to Mother Jones magazine, ARTL "hit a nerve" with its Sarah Palin profile for within "24 hours after the group posted the report, Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC, scrubbed its website." Then with the release of, ARTL predicted that Romney would lose the majority of his Christian endorsements. And coming soon: the Samuel Alito profile.

SOURCE American Right To Life

* Personhood: is the most important human rights movement of your lifetime. Check out and ask God to prepare you for the launch of Colorado's Amendment 62 personhood campaign!

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