Dems accused of ‘religious bigotry’ for questioning Trump court pick’s Knights of Col

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Dems accused of ‘religious bigotry’ for questioning Trump court pick’s Knights of Columbus ties

Following questions from multiple Democratic senators over the impartiality of Trump judicial nominee Brian Buescher and his ties to the Knights of Columbus, a charitable Roman Catholic organization, Republicans and various religious leaders hit back Monday against “religious bigotry.”

“This isn’t just about the Knights of Columbus or Catholics, this is an ongoing attack from the extremist left of the Democratic Party to silence people of faith and run them out of engaging in public service based on their religious beliefs,” Penny Nance, the president of Concerned Women for America, a Christian women’s activist group, said in a written statement.

“It is pure and simple religious bigotry,” Nance added.

Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, recently raised concerns about Buescher's membership as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee's review of his nomination by President Trump to sit on the U.S. District Court in Nebraska.

The Catholic News Agency (CNA) first reported news of their concerns.

In a series of questions sent to Buescher, Hirono asked whether his membership in the Knights of Columbus would prevent him from hearing cases “fairly and impartially” and, if confirmed, whether he would end his membership in the organization.

“The Knights of Columbus has taken a number of extreme positions,” Hirono said in the questionnaire. “For example, it was reportedly one of the top contributors to California’s Proposition 8 campaign to ban same-sex marriage.”

Harris meantime, in her questions to the nominee, called the Knights of Columbus “an all-male society” and asked the Nebraska lawyer if he was aware that the group was anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage when he joined. The California senator also referenced Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson’s statement that abortion amounted to “the killing of the innocent on a massive scale” and asked Buescher if he agreed with the statement.

“The Knights of Columbus does not have the authority to take personal political positions on behalf of all of its approximately two million members,” Buescher wrote in reply to the queries. “If confirmed, I will apply all provisions of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges regarding recusal and disqualification.”

Prominent Republicans and religious leaders backed Buescher in the face of the questions.

“Hopefully, in the eyes of Democrats you are not disqualified to a be a judge because of your religious affiliations and beliefs,” GOP South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeted. “The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic charitable organization who have genuinely held beliefs about marriage & abortion.”

"The Black Church is very concerned because we know that when elected leaders attack Catholic organizations like the Knights of Columbus for believing timeliness Christian principles, then all people of faith are at risk,” Rev. Eugene F. Rivers III, a civil rights leader and the director of the Seymour Institute for Black Church and Policy Studies, said in a statement.

“There is no place for a religious test like this in our country,” he continued. “Our constitution forbids it and elected leaders should know better than to try to impose it."

"This is the kind of thuggish behavior we expect from third world dictators, not United States Senators," Ken Blackwell, a former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, said in a statement. "That this attack on Catholics comes from the party of John F. Kennedy, who was proudly a Knight of Columbus, is particularly shocking and egregious. There should be no religious test in America, and I call on my Democratic friends to end this tactic of engaging in religious discrimination to destroy people nominated for public office"

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
These two leftwing extremist witches should be Sanctioned. They must be prevented from continuing their banana republic inquisition at the personal expense of their political opponents conducted on the taxpayer dime. Article Vl of the Constitution states that no religious test shall ever be required a qualification to hold a federal office. In other words. Kamala Harris is going against the Constitution. But what else is new for a Democrat. The Knights of Columbus is a charitable organization. This has absolutely nothing to do with the tired, old, and misused “separation of church and state” argument. It’s straight up anti-Catholic bigotry on the part of Harris and Hirono.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Anti-Catholic Senators

When I think of the fraternal Catholic organization the Knights of Columbus, I mostly recall pancakes and basketball. In my parish when I grew up, the Knights regularly served pancake breakfasts to raise money for worthy community causes. I also once won their free-throw shooting contest at my parochial school!.......

.......Sens. Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris, in written questions to District Court judge nominee Brian Buescher, challenged his suitability for the bench because he belongs to this charitable Catholic group. Hirono claimed that the Knights have taken “extreme positions” such as affirming Catholic belief in traditional marriage and even asked Buescher, “If confirmed, do you intend to end your membership with this organization to avoid any appearance of bias?”.......

.......Harris wrote that “the Knights of Columbus, an all-male society comprised of primarily Catholic men … opposes a woman’s right to choose.” Anyone who ever pledged a college fraternity or sorority, take note -- Harris does not seem to approve of your membership in a single-sex organization. Anyone who further dares to personally embrace longstanding Christian doctrine on the sanctity of life, including the unborn, should also seek employment outside of the federal bench. Such anti-Catholic bias represents not just a discriminatory affront, but also an unconstitutional religious litmus test for appointees. In addition, the actual scandal would be if the Knights did not fully accept church teaching on matters as fundamental as the definition of marriage and the beginning of life. After all, Pope Francis, whom many progressives love to selectively cite, recently compared abortion to hiring a “hitman.”

Would Hirono and Harris ask similar questions of an observant Muslim nominee, since that faith also believes in traditional marriage?

The Horn

This is not "religious bigotry ". These Democrats are rightly concerned about the ability of this judge to make fair, impartial and unbiased decisions based on his religious beliefs .
This is nothing but hypocritical whining on the part of right-wing extremist groups which are opposed to freedom for NON-CHRITSTIANS and others .Yes, America does need freedom FROM religion .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This is not "religious bigotry ". These Democrats are rightly concerned about the ability of this judge to make fair, impartial and unbiased decisions ....

.... that agree with their retarded, leftist/liberal beliefs, such as the retarded belief that a mother should be able to kill her child before it is born but not after

and the retarded belief that homos should be able to marry each other

we have enough retarded judges, we just finished eight years of a retarded president appointing them

about time we appointed some non-retarded judges, judges who understand that the unborn child should not be murdered, judges that understand that sexual perverts should not be allowed to marry, they should be allowed to be executed


Dems accused of ‘religious bigotry’ for questioning Trump court pick’s Knights of Col

John Roberts (Chief Justice) - Roman Catholicism

Clarence Thomas - Roman Catholicism

Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Judaism

Stephen Breyer - Judaism

Samuel Alito - Roman Catholicism

Sonia Sotomayor - Roman Catholicism

Elena Kagan - Judaism

Neil Gorsuch - Episcopalian, raised Roman Catholic

Brett Kavanaugh - Roman Catholicism

Given that there were no Protestant Justices on the Supreme Court from 2010 until Neil Gorsuch (who was raised Catholic) was appointed in 2017, Catholics can hardly claim that they have been subjected to religious discrimination!

There are currently a majority of 6 Catholic Justices on the Supreme Court (including Chief Justice Roberts) and that both Justices nominated by the Democratic Obama Administration were Catholic women!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Dems accused of ‘religious bigotry’ for questioning Trump court pick’s Knights of Col

John Roberts (Chief Justice) - Roman Catholicism

Clarence Thomas - Roman Catholicism

Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Judaism

Stephen Breyer - Judaism

Samuel Alito - Roman Catholicism

Sonia Sotomayor - Roman Catholicism

Elena Kagan - Judaism

Neil Gorsuch - Episcopalian, raised Roman Catholic

Brett Kavanaugh - Roman Catholicism

Given that there were no Protestant Justices on the Supreme Court from 2010 until Neil Gorsuch (who was raised Catholic) was appointed in 2017, Catholics can hardly claim that they have been subjected to religious discrimination!

There are currently a majority of 6 Catholic Justices on the Supreme Court (including Chief Justice Roberts) and that both Justices nominated by the Democratic Obama Administration were Catholic women!

Thanks for the information. Your post has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the religious discrimination and hatred among Democrats.
