Demons, devils, satans, evil spirits


New member
[FONT=&quot]Demons, devils, satans, evil spirits, all are characters or manifestations of evil persons recognized by their thoughts and deeds. Spirit is the nature of a person, place, or thing. A person who has demons or evil spirits, is a person with different sins in their life.

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[FONT=&quot]Mark 7:15[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.”[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]1 Corinthians 10:13[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
Luke 7:21
[FONT=&quot]At that very time Jesus cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many who were blind.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]What is your understanding of such things?[/FONT]


New member
My understanding is that innocent people die because of belief in demon possession.

Could I suggest you find a less damaging hobby?



Well-known member
My understanding is that innocent people die because of belief in demon possession.

Could I suggest you find a less damaging hobby?


There's a difference between demon possession as the world see demon possession like on the tv. and being overcome by wicked spirits. The wicked spirits are those who put the wrong thoughts into our minds and if they can they get into hearts, they will corrupt us, the only way to keep them out is to be furnished and the tenancy taken our house lived in and our hearts filled with Christ, so that the thieves cannot enter.

The reason innocent people die, is because others become self righteous and proud and judge wrongly in the name of God. But in doing so, they are far from God, Jesus taught us to love even those the hate us.

Those who belong to God should look at ourselves first and foremost as we all have wrong spirits, and we're not to judge others in the flesh, but rather speak the truth and God judges. And only through Christ by the spirit, can we have them cast them out


New member
There's a difference between demon possession as the world see demon possession like on the tv. and being overcome by wicked spirits. The wicked spirits are those who put the wrong thoughts into our minds and if they can they get into hearts, they will corrupt us, the only way to keep them out is to be furnished and the tenancy taken our house lived in and our hearts filled with Christ, so that the thieves cannot enter.

The reason innocent people die, is because others become self righteous and proud and judge wrongly in the name of God. But in doing so, they are far from God, Jesus taught us to love even those the hate us.

Those who belong to God should look at ourselves first and foremost as we all have wrong spirits, and we're not to judge others in the flesh, but rather speak the truth and God judges. And only through Christ by the spirit, can we have them cast them out
I was thinking more of the fact that there are people out there who believe that others need some kind of physical intervention to rid them of demons / ghouls / spirits / whatever, and so apply fire / water / steam / hanging / punching / kicking / starvation / poisoning / crushing / asphyxiation / crucifixion / strangling / stabbing to people who are experiencing psychological conditions.

And those other people die because of these interventions.

And it is 2017, and this still goes on. And I think you aren't helping by posting on the internet that you believe in this Medieval nonsense. So I was imagining you might find a hobby that is less barking mad or likely to encourage barking mad people to damage others.



Well-known member
I was thinking more of the fact that there are people out there who believe that others need some kind of physical intervention to rid them of demons / ghouls / spirits / whatever, and so apply fire / water / steam / hanging / punching / kicking / starvation / poisoning / crushing / asphyxiation / crucifixion / strangling / stabbing to people who are experiencing psychological conditions.

And those other people die because of these interventions.

And it is 2017, and this still goes on. And I think you aren't helping by posting on the internet that you believe in this Medieval nonsense. So I was imagining you might find a hobby that is less barking mad or likely to encourage barking mad people to damage others.


The first half of your post i agree with, it's wrong to do violence to anyone.

As for the second half of your post, well i hope that God opens your eyes one day, because he is there, regardless of what you think.


New member
As for the second half of your post, well i hope that God opens your eyes one day, because he is there, regardless of what you think.
I think there are people who follow forms of christianity that don't believe in ghouls / goblins / fairies / demons / evil spirits. You said yourself that the demons you see being driven out on TV aren't real. Couldn't you follow a non-demonist version of the christian hobby instead?



Well-known member
Lawn bowls is a much healthier hobby than believing in demon possession.


Unfortunately demon possession has continued to this day, the only difference is they have gotten better at it. It's only when Jesus returns will it be stopped.


New member
Unfortunately demon possession has continued to this day, the only difference is they have gotten better at it. It's only when Jesus returns will it be stopped.
Well why not just ignore it, and if it's a problem leave it to Jesus?

Lawn bowls doesn't require the messiness of exorcism, especially cleaning up the blood and ectoplasm afterwards.



Well-known member
Well why not just ignore it, and if it's a problem leave it to Jesus?

Lawn bowls doesn't require the messiness of exorcism, especially cleaning up the blood and ectoplasm afterwards.


Most of the time you can't even see it to ignore it but if you ever did see it you wouldn't be able to ignore it nor would you know what to do either.


New member
Most of the time you can't even see it to ignore it but if you ever did see it you wouldn't be able to ignore it nor would you know what to do either.
So could you say to someone who you suspected of being demon-possessed, here is the number of a good psychologist, I'm off to the bowling green for a few ends?



Well-known member
So could you say to someone who you suspected of being demon-possessed, here is the number of a good psychologist, I'm off to the bowling green for a few ends?

I've only noticed demon possession twice and in both instances such a response would have been inappropriate and pointless.


New member
"demons" et al are the disembodied spirits of the nephilim (see Genesis 6).
Since they were genetic hybrids human/angelic, they are not subject to salvation and are "earth bound".
The "angels that sinned" were the "sons of god" referenced in Genesis 6, and
are chained in darkness in Tartarus until the Day of the LORD
(when "all hell breaks loose" on planet earth).


Well-known member
What was your response?


Both instances happened within a few days while abroad and came as a total surprise for which I was not prepared for. They presented in different ways and I didn't know how to react or what to do. I did not have the presence of mind to think quickly or clearly enough in order to even think of trying anything like casting them out. I was quite shocked. I spoke to both of them briefly but was not sure what to say and what I did say had no effect.


New member
Both instances happened within a few days while abroad and came as a total surprise for which I was not prepared for. They presented in different ways and I didn't know how to react or what to do. I did not have the presence of mind to think quickly or clearly enough in order to even think of trying anything like casting them out. I was quite shocked. I spoke to both of them briefly but was not sure what to say and what I did say had no effect.
But it was definitely 'demon possession', right?

There is no possibility that there was a better explanation.



New member
Both instances happened within a few days while abroad and came as a total surprise for which I was not prepared for. They presented in different ways and I didn't know how to react or what to do. I did not have the presence of mind to think quickly or clearly enough in order to even think of trying anything like casting them out. I was quite shocked. I spoke to both of them briefly but was not sure what to say and what I did say had no effect.

The first time it happened to me was a total shock, as it was a distant "half-sister". Only later it was revealed to me what had happened. The personality change and countenance was totally unexpected and sudden, but it was the evil things spoken that was the real shocker.
Since then, I've been better prepared, as I see the vast number of people that have an underlying (dormant) evil spirit that can "take-over" suddenly with an evil verbal attack.
BTW, I've seen this in "Christians" that have fallen very far away from the Lord. Pure evil.


New member
The first time it happened to me was a total shock, as it was a distant "half-sister". Only later it was revealed to me what had happened. The personality change and countenance was totally unexpected and sudden, but it was the evil things spoken that was the real shocker.
Since then, I've been better prepared, as I see the vast number of people that have an underlying (dormant) evil spirit that can "take-over" suddenly with an evil verbal attack.
BTW, I've seen this in "Christians" that have fallen very far away from the Lord. Pure evil.
And it was definitely demon possession. There is no chance that it was some other effect in play?



New member
And it was definitely demon possession. There is no chance that it was some other effect in play?


Nope. The Holy Spirit revealed to me what I had gone through. Since, it has happened on several occasions. I no longer fear such encounters because these entities are simply trying to frighten and degrade and humiliate you.