Delmars POTD 10/26/2006

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elected4ever said:
I have always wondered where the God made me do it and the Satan made me do it syndrome come from. I have always believed that people are responsible for what they do. There is off course things that God causes and things that Satan causes but can we really, relisticly, say that God is omnicausal or that Satan is omnicausal. To say such a thing is like putting man on a run-a-way train and we are just here for the ride.

To say that God is omnicausal is one the most hideous doctrines ever devised. Does anyone believe that God is the cause of sin? That is just what is being said when someone says that God's foreknowledge is causal. While it is recorded through out history that God has and does cause catastrophe. Is it right to say that God causes all catastrophe? What say you on the matter?

" To say that God is omnicausal is one the most hideous doctrines ever devised" :up:


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Turbo said:


Hilston says God is the author of sin not the cause. We better check it out and make sure you're not mangling, twisting or doing damage to definitions or he'll be all over you like scum on pond.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=400 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>Main Entry: <SUP>1</SUP>cause

Pronunciation: <TT>'koz</TT>
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin causa
1 a : a reason for an action or condition : [size=-1]MOTIVE[/size] b : something that brings about an effect or a result c : a person or thing that is the occasion of an action or state; especially : an agent that brings something about d : sufficient reason <DISCHARGED for cause>
2 a : a ground of legal action b : [size=-1]CASE[/size]
3 : a matter or question to be decided
4 a : a principle or movement militantly defended or supported b : a charitable undertaking <FOR cause>
- cause·less /<TT>-l&s</TT>/ adjective

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=400 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>Main Entry: <SUP>1</SUP>au·thor

Pronunciation: <TT>'o-th&r</TT>
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English auctour, from Anglo-French auctor, autor, from Latin auctor promoter, originator, author, from augEre to increase -- more at [size=-1]EKE[/size]
1 a : one that originates or creates :[size=-1]SOURCE[/size] <SOFTWARE authors> <FILM authors> <THE author of this crime> b capitalized : [size=-1]GOD [/size]1
2 : the writer of a literary work (as a book)
- au·tho·ri·al /<TT>o-'thor-E-&l</TT>/ adjective


Ok, I think you're good. :up:

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