Delaware Pastor Criticizes BEL

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Delaware Pastor Criticizes BEL

Monday November 13th, 2006.


* Pastor David Farmer: of Silverside Church, Wilmington DE lumps Bob in with Gary North, Patrick Henry College, etc., sermonizing against attempts to influence government from a biblical worldview.

* Bush Partial Birth Alternative: The Bush administration argued before the Supreme Court that partial birth abortion could be banned because abortionists have more efficient methods of killing late term babies.

* Jason Troyer Analysis on WND: WorldNetDaily highlights Troyer's excellent analysis of the South Dakota abortion loss, while pro-life state leaders and Nat'l Right to Life strongly disagree.

* Another Public School Teacher: sexually molests a student, and this time, he infected the boy with HIV!

Today's Resources: Enjoy the BEL Science Pack! Watch tremendous documentaries, listen to Bob's Genesis Creation study album, read the best book on creation/evolution ever written, and hear a debate on the Age of the Earth!


New member
Jefferson said:
* Bush Partial Birth Alternative: The Bush administration argued before the Supreme Court that partial birth abortion could be banned because abortionists have more efficient methods of killing late term babies.
Ugh, this made my stomach turn. No surprise though.


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Hall of Fame
Enyart's thinking is similar in some aspects to North's but lumping them together is not entirely accurate.


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* Jason Troyer Analysis on WND: WorldNetDaily highlights Troyer's excellent analysis of the South Dakota abortion loss, while pro-life state leaders and Nat'l Right to Life strongly disagree.
Can anyone provide a link to reader comments to Jason's letter?
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