Thank you. I don't wish to be so strident, but it's offensive, the concept the Lord Jesus was very worked up and alarmed, so false. If the Lord Jesus was worked up, He was worked up over going to the cross in Gethsemane, but, bless His holy Name, fully knowing this His terrible work of salvation He would endure. If He was worked up, He was sad over the rejection and the pervasive waywardness and blindnes of man, but none of this, not one scintilla, surprising, nothing unexpected.
Matthew 24 is not a warning to put Him on the throne and how all Jews better become sweetness and light, or else, as if the Lord Jesus worked up and alarmed the Jews may not give Him the throne, when He prophesied, in no uncertain terms, the cross and His resurrection, we now clearly see, no surprises, no emergencies, all ordained, Old and New Testaments, from the very foundation of the world. Again, there's so very little discussion of truth around here, just one mud clod after another, added to the wall of ignorance and deception. If anything, the Lord Jesus was the picture of strength, focus and the stability of a rock, when He walked this earth as a man, Matthew 24 not a political speech where He was all worked up and alarmed that maybe everybody in Judea was not quite right. It's an offensive characterization of omniscient God, whose will is done to the letter, in the end, my God not all worked up and alarmed over anything, nor giving policy speeches, when He is, in fact, laying out the future that has no surprises, for Him. Any other claim is simply offensive to His majesty, period, as if not to mention how many people around here wouldn't know true eschatology if it hit them in the rear.
What sort of conversation is one to expect, with, again, somebody who's oblivious, right out of the gate, making ridiculous, offensive statements of no relationship to reality? Sometimes, you can find no truth to discuss here, and I can't see making a career of refuting incessant error and stupidity, can't see the sense of endless disputing, page after page, that goes on, any collective profit in it or the Christian morality of it. 1 Timothy 6:4-5. Philippians 2:12-16. And let's dare to call a spade a spade, that there are people here who are oblivious to a Holy Spirit understanding of the most basic, Sunday school truths, believe I've seen about everything of the fundamental gospel refuted here, and any grip on things more complex? Just forget about it.