Death Panels Catch Up with Warren Hern


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Death Panels Catch Up with Warren Hern

This is the show from Tuesday October 22nd, 2013


* Canada's Death Panels Praised by Bob Enyart talks about Canada's death panels, which are approved of and longed for over at Slate, that godless news and commentary website. Then Bob reviews the details of perhaps the first case in the U.S. when doctors asked the courts, back in 1991, to overrule the family and to give them the authority to kill a patient (i.e., an early death panel).

* BEL FLASHBACK -- Bob Enyart Interviews Abortionist Warren Hern: On July 3, 1991, Boulder, Colorado late-term abortionist Warren Hern appeared as a guest on a 50,000-watt Denver radio station on the pro-life radio program Bob Enyart Live.

As published in the Denver Catholic Register and Bob Enyart's The Rational Inspirer newsletter, the following dialogue on Denver radio's AM 800 KLTT occurred between Mr. Enyart and nationally-known author of the Abortion Practice textbook, Boulder Colorado's late-term abortionist Warren Hern:


HERN: Abortion has to do with fundamental decisions people make about their lives... Of course the public debate is about who is going to make that decision. The individual or the state.

ENYART: So women and families should make the decisions, these life or death decisions?
HERN: Yes.

ENYART: Did you notice the news story this week; some doctors went to a judge to try and appoint a legal guardian for a woman who was in a coma? Her husband wanted to continue medical treatment.
HERN: Yes, I saw that.

Note: That euthanasia case was of Oliver and Helga Wanglie (right) as reported in the October 1991 ABA Journal.

ENYART: But the doctors wanted to cancel medical treatment.
HERN: Right.

ENYART: Would you have agreed with that judge, then, that no, those doctors didn't have a right to appoint a legal guardian?
HERN: No, I think the doctors were doing the right thing and I support the doctors' point of view although I'm not involved in that case and it has obviously nothing to do with abortion. But I think it's absurd to maintain someone on life support systems when they are not even functioning.

ENYART: So even thought the immediate family wanted to continue to medical care, you would have taken that decision away from the family?
HERN: Well, I think that is, a, I, I thought we going to be talking about abortion. This is really not a question I was prepared to discuss. It's clearly one in which I have interest in, and it relevant, but why don't we stick to abortion.

This transcript was first published statewide in the Denver Catholic Register. Abortionist Warren Hern, on Bob Enyart Live on July 3, 1991, unwittingly admitted his true belief: people like him should decide who lives and who dies. The family should be overruled by the government imposing the euthanasia and abortion industry's decision to euthanize (or abort) our loved ones. This is nationally-known Warren Hern's admitted belief. By claiming to be "pro-choice," he is a liar (and we argue, by extension and evidence, such as its lack of action against, and even arguably its funding of, China's forced-abortion program) that the abortion industry itself is not even "pro-choice" but simply pro-death. Abortionist Warren Hern violates even his own immoral standard, and would usurp the family's supposed right, and give that power to the government, to "make that decision" regarding life and death. The truth is that the abortion and euthanasia leaders believe "unwanted" human beings should die. The family's desire is irrelevant to them, unless it coincides with their own demand to kill the innocent.

Today's Resource: Get Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics Seminar on CD! As taped at Denver's historic Brown Palace, Bob Enyart presented his Hermeneutics seminar on Tools for Studying the Bible! You can purchase the Hermeneutics seminar on CD for $34.99. Just click here, or call the BEL studio at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278)!

* Hierarchy of 16 Hermeneutics: a hermeneutic is a tool for understanding the Bible. Proper hermeneutics are invaluable. At Bob Enyart's April 29th seminar in Denver's famous Brown Palace hotel, we'll study this prioritized list of hermeneutics:

God: existence, eternity, and entity (i.e., the Godhead)
His Story: the plot, or storyline, of the Bible (grasping the Bible's overview is the key to its details)
His Nature: living, personal, relational, good, and loving (includes J.O.N.A.H. & N.O.A.H.)
Christological: Christ-centered, the text is His Word (the work of the righteous, and hatred of the wicked)
[Here, the third hermeneutic, His Nature, now takes precedence over, and swaps places with, His Story]
Context prioritized: God's Nature; His Story; the dispensation; the book; chapter; paragraph; sentence
Literalness: Scripture presents a literal message, and contains figures of speech, symbols, parables, and poetry
Historical/Grammatical: method emphasizes original languages, cultural and historical setting
Covenantal vs. Dispensational Principle: Paul instructs students to "rightly divide the Word" 2 Tim 2:15
Prophetic: Speaking God's Word; also, predictive prophecy; and non-prophecy (predictive only in hindsight)
Sufficiency Principle: Scripture presents ample revelation on everything vital to our spirituality (accountability)
Spiritually Discerned: God gave His Word to the world to lead men to Christ, but much is written to His own
Typology: people, events, objects, rituals, etc. serve as symbols of Christ, salvation, heaven, etc.
Inerrancy: Not translators and scribes but the original autographs (like DNA) were breathed by the Holy Spirit
Numerology: numbers at times are symbolic: 3 for God, 6 for man, 12 for Israel, 40 for judgment, etc.
First-Mention: knowledge of good and evil leads to death; seed of the woman; justification by faith
Hebrew Parallelisms: poetry; couplets; alternation; inversions; story symmetry