Dead Sea Scrolls Validate the Septuagint (LXX), Masoretic Text discredited


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Most Scholars saw the Septuagint (LXX) as inferior to the Hebrew Bible called the Masoretic Text (MT). With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS), this all changed. Ancient Hebrew scrolls were found that follow the LXX, not the Masoretic Text. The DSS showed that the LXX had an underlying Hebrew Text that was different from the MT.
The earliest copies we have of the Masoretic Text only Date from about 900 or 1000 AD, but the LXX goes back much further, from 3d and 4th centuries AD, and it is quoted in much earlier works including the New Testament. The Masoretic Text is the only Hebrew text recognized by Judaism.
Judaism uses the Masoretic Text to discredit Jesus of Nazareth.