Darwinists still trying to figure out if they made life 50 years ago
Monday March 13th, 2006. This is show # 51.
* Washington Post to cut 80 jobs! It couldn't happen to a nicer organization.
* Iran Builds Secret Underground Complex! ?? We'll it's not secret anymore if even a Christian radio show is reporting it! Must be old news.
* California lawmakers disagree over how public schools will present homosexuality, and regardless, your daughter will be continually sexually harassed in her public school.
* Colorado Springs Gazette & Rocky Mountain News articles quote Denver Museum curator Dr. Kirk Johnson saying that creationists like our friends at BC Tours are "quite backward and intellectually dishonest" and that "they don't believe science exists!" And this from a man who doesn't know if he exists! Bob's letter to the Gazette asks, "It’s been fifty years since that Miller experiment! Don’t they know if they made life yet or not?"
* Callers Doris: Bob, you're right, but we can't afford a public school, and I'm not educated enough to home school. "Oh, yes you are!" Adam: Bob, any good questions for our evolution teachers? "How long does an animal live with a bad leg before it evolves into a good wing? How does a caterpillar, the first time ever, spin a cocoon around itself, liquefy itself, and reassemble itself into a flying insect?"
Today's Resource: Video Fruitcake: Hilarious Liberal Callers!
Monday March 13th, 2006. This is show # 51.
Summary:The museum has an exhibit and it's headlined, "Life Created in the Lab?" question mark. And the experiment they're referring to is from 50 years ago. What's the question mark there for? They haven't figured it out in 50 years if they created life in the lab or not? And they did not. ...They created amino acids. If they created life, after 50 years, they would have figured it out. And they'd say, "Life was created in the lab!" exclamation mark. But they put a question mark there because they know it wasn't and they are deceiving people who stroll through the museum and are not very careful and especially kids and the tens of thousands of students who go through the museum and then the reporters from the media who go through who are especially gullible and don't think.
* Washington Post to cut 80 jobs! It couldn't happen to a nicer organization.
* Iran Builds Secret Underground Complex! ?? We'll it's not secret anymore if even a Christian radio show is reporting it! Must be old news.
* California lawmakers disagree over how public schools will present homosexuality, and regardless, your daughter will be continually sexually harassed in her public school.
* Colorado Springs Gazette & Rocky Mountain News articles quote Denver Museum curator Dr. Kirk Johnson saying that creationists like our friends at BC Tours are "quite backward and intellectually dishonest" and that "they don't believe science exists!" And this from a man who doesn't know if he exists! Bob's letter to the Gazette asks, "It’s been fifty years since that Miller experiment! Don’t they know if they made life yet or not?"
* Callers Doris: Bob, you're right, but we can't afford a public school, and I'm not educated enough to home school. "Oh, yes you are!" Adam: Bob, any good questions for our evolution teachers? "How long does an animal live with a bad leg before it evolves into a good wing? How does a caterpillar, the first time ever, spin a cocoon around itself, liquefy itself, and reassemble itself into a flying insect?"
Today's Resource: Video Fruitcake: Hilarious Liberal Callers!