Dangerous Heresy, misled by Satan: Language of the Dark Ages


Well-known member
I find it very disturbing how quickly some of our fellow TOLer's fall into the use of language that is more suited to the 14th century than today. When you say "Dangerous Heresy", it brings up images of belief-enforcers protecting their flock from the heretics- at any cost. When you say "misled by the devil", or "work of the devil", the images are of witch hunts and worse.

Am I the only one who is disturbed by this?

Those of you who use those phrases- are you aware of their connotation?


Well-known member
A dangerous heresy is one that is....er.....dangerous. If it endangers your walk with God, or it harms another being, it is dangerous. How can you not see ISIS without thinking 'dangerous' heresy or brain-washed thinking? :idunno:


I find it very disturbing how quickly some of our fellow TOLer's fall into the use of language that is more suited to the 14th century than today. When you say "Dangerous Heresy", it brings up images of belief-enforcers protecting their flock from the heretics- at any cost. When you say "misled by the devil", or "work of the devil", the images are of witch hunts and worse.

Am I the only one who is disturbed by this?

Those of you who use those phrases- are you aware of their connotation?

Deeply!! Rejection of Israel and Jews is one that I call the tongue of Satan. All else I call out is tied to that doctrine.