Creative and educational

The Barbarian

Many pundits and companies have tried to illustrate how the net neutrality repeal will affect internet users, but YouTuber Rob Bliss has made one of the best demonstrations yet. It’s good because it’s simple, it isn’t trying to sell you hamburgers, and it confused police officers.

The demonstration also took place at a very suitable location—the streets outside of the FCC headquarters in Washington, DC. That’s where Bliss set up traffic cones and rode his bike in the one available lane so that he could “throttle” traffic, unless drivers wanted to pay a $5 fee. This way, as Ajit Pai has put it, “consumers can pick the plan that’s best for them.”

Bliss attempted the throttle protest three days in a row. Each day, the police showed up and blocked his efforts to “restore automotive freedom,” (just as the FCC is claiming to be “restoring internet freedom” by ending net neutrality).

The police in the video grow more miffed with each interaction as they try to explain that Bliss doesn’t have the authority to obstruct traffic, or as Bliss explains, “sell priority access passes.”

But Bliss told The Next Web that the police were actually very patient with his form of activism. “The cops were amazing,” he told TNW. “I think DC police just has a lot of great training and also experience due to frequent interactions with nonviolent protestors.”

Despite their patience, law enforcement eventually set up a constant presence so that Bliss couldn’t continue keep throttling traffic. If only net neutrality was that easy.


The Horn

About a month or so ago, twitter blocked me indefinitely for sending an angry tweet to that awful racist bigot "Dr." Sebastian Gorka , who was deservedly fired by Trump .
I keep asking when they will allow me to resume posting, but twitter is very vague about this .
Supposedly, Twitter blocked me for sending an "abusive " tweet, even though I routinely get far more abusive tweets sent to me, for disagreeing with what others tweet . I don't think there was anything "abusive" abut the tweet I sent to Gorka . IT was just angry and harsh criticism .
Twitter has violated my right to free speech . I'm convinced this is due to ending net neutrality .