Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
DavisBJ said:
Very good. But I am not aware that the archaeology or geography spoken of in New Testament passages has been much of an issue in the debates between fundamentalists and scientists
False Dichotomy*
The debate is between evolutionism and creationism. It's a debate between two opposing stories about our origins.*

DavisBJ said:
I suspect that much of the New Testament account is not a work of pure fiction, but rather a compilation (and probably corruption) of accounts that had their basis in real-work locations and people.
And I contend that both OT and NT are internally consistent even though written by more than 40 people over a couple thousand years. Both the OT and NT are also not contradicted by any archaeological find and often confirmed accurate by archaeology.*

DavisBJ said:
Do you claim, with equal conviction, that “God’s word” is equally supported by science in the more disputed areas – such as the age of the earth and the Theory of Evolution?*and evolution.

DavisBJ said:
Do you claim, with equal conviction, that “God’s word” is equally supported by science in the more disputed areas – such as the age of the earth and the Theory of Evolution?

But, I will quote what I actually said on *that issue... "SCIENCE (archaeology, genetics, biology, geology etc) supports the truth of God's Word.

Some scientists agree with that, many don't."


Let's look at the Genesis account and see why it CANNOT be describing the original creation at the very beginning, but a REGENERATION after the original creation.

here is Genesis 1

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Now my question to all is this....
Is Gen 1:2 onwards describing how God created the heavens and the earth (in other words elaborating on Gen 1:1)?

If you answer "Yes" then my reply to you will be "but verse 2 starts with an earth already there, albeit "without form and void". My follow up question would be "How did it get to be there (without form and void) if verses 2 onwards were an elaboration of verse 1"?

If you answer "No - verses 2 onwards do not describe verse 1 in more detail, but are a later state AFTER verse 1" then I have won my argument that verse 2 describes how the earth BECAME or was after verse 1. In other words verses 2 onwards have nothing to do with the original creation "in the beginning..". So verses 2 onwards are taking the story forward after the original creation.

Either way the Genesis account can only mean that "without form and void" is a LATER not original state.

Dear iouae,

I've got to tell you that you have your own interpretation of Genesis and it's okay. We just believe differently. Jesus prayed to God that He should be back in Heaven, as He was in glory before this world was. Now, everyone is asking me to believe that Jesus was with God in Heaven 13 billion years ago or was it a much shorter time period?? God did say "Let 'US' make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness. That means that God does not look like a Neanderthal, or whatever. He looks like Jesus looked, because Jesus said, "He who hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." So God did not create 'man' to look like an 'ape, chimp or animal.' I don't know what else to tell you. You believe in your interpretation and I will believe in mine. You're making the Creation story much more difficult and complex than it needs to be. I went through that stage and the devil can perplex you on words and their meanings. It could be a number of ways, but no, it is only ONE way. I'll stick with 6days and my version instead. Thanks truly for sharing your views.

God Be With Your Interpretations,


:guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9: :angel:


Well-known member

Dear iouae,

I've got to tell you that you have your own interpretation of Genesis and it's okay. We just believe differently. Jesus prayed to God that He should be back in Heaven, as He was in glory before this world was. Now, everyone is asking me to believe that Jesus was with God in Heaven 13 billion years ago or was it a much shorter time period?? God did say "Let 'US' make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness. That means that God does not look like a Neanderthal, or whatever. He looks like Jesus looked, because Jesus said, "He who hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." So God did not create 'man' to look like an 'ape, chimp or animal.' I don't know what else to tell you. You believe in your interpretation and I will believe in mine. You're making the Creation story much more difficult and complex than it needs to be. I went through that stage and the devil can perplex you on words and their meanings. It could be a number of ways, but no, it is only ONE way. I'll stick with 6days and my version instead. Thanks truly for sharing your views.

God Be With Your Interpretations,


:guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9: :angel:


There are skeletons of primitive men in the fossil record such as the recent H. naledi which HAVE TO BE explained by us believers. Any theory is better than none. Either they evolved, or God created them. I choose the latter. God is so secure in himself that when He creates creatures which are a mockery of His image even though they do not perfectly reflect Him ... then so be it. God hides nothing. He fudges nothing.

Here is another theory...

The dinosaurs with their destructive nature were supposed to have been made by Satan while he was still Lucifer. God had put him on earth to terra-form it. The fossil record is supposed to reflect Lucifer's slide to the "dark side" as beasties became progressively more aggressive and terrible.

Then Lucifer rebelled and became Satan, attacking heaven.

After that Satan was thrown down to earth from heaven.

Satan then made apemen to mock God. These God wiped out with a mass extinction leaving earth "without form and void". He then created man in 6 days.

I don't like this theory because I don't know if Satan had that power.

I far prefer the idea that God made everything on earth, past, present and future.


New member
This link has a beautiful timeline chart starting 4 million years ago till today when all the strains of Australopithecenes and Homo were extant.

How do we know? I take the times with a fat pinch of salt. Because I have no dog in the fight, to me it does not matter. All that I know for certain is that when God was done experimenting, they were wiped out and Adam and Eve created 6000 years ago.
It's too bad you didn't jump into this thread much earlier. A couple years ago, when this thread was still nascent, Michael Cadry (the thread originator) held views quite similar to what you espouse. He even published a small book (available at some libraries) in which he expressed those beliefs. But in the intervening couple of years he has decided to support a much more literal reading of Genesis.

Michael really should dialogue with you, maybe one or the other of you will convince the other to switch.

patrick jane

This link has a beautiful timeline chart starting 4 million years ago till today when all the strains of Australopithecenes and Homo were extant.

How do we know? I take the times with a fat pinch of salt. Because I have no dog in the fight, to me it does not matter. All that I know for certain is that when God was done experimenting, they were wiped out and Adam and Eve created 6000 years ago.

focus on the young earth. It's young comparatively.


Dear DavisBJ,

Yes, maybe iouae will switch to my new point of view. But if not, so be it. We don't all have to believe in one way, and that is our prerogative. But only ONE way is right. Now, my prerogative was to change to my present point of view. You will probably not find my old first edition or fifth edition of my book in any library, except MAYBE in Phoenix. My current seventh edition is in the library. Thanks for your perspective on my life, DavisBJ. Iouae has a couple different theories. I have one for now and it doesn't corrupt any version of the Bible.

Best Wishes & Sincerely,



Well-known member
It's too bad you didn't jump into this thread much earlier. A couple years ago, when this thread was still nascent, Michael Cadry (the thread originator) held views quite similar to what you espouse. He even published a small book (available at some libraries) in which he expressed those beliefs. But in the intervening couple of years he has decided to support a much more literal reading of Genesis.

Michael really should dialogue with you, maybe one or the other of you will convince the other to switch.

I see this thread was started 11 Aug 2013. Wow!

I have spoken with Michael and he says that he did believe some of what I now believe. Well I live to learn and grow, so who knows? :)


I figured it out !! a billion years to us is a thousand years for God !!!

1,000,000,000 = 1,000

Dear patrick jane,

I see what you mean!! It's utter nonsense! Some just throw big numbers around because, then, no one can prove it right or wrong. None of us were here that long ago, so no one can say it didn't happen then because we weren't around then, and I don't trust science's dating methods. See what happened with Carbon-14 dating. It was false, but was touted to be infallible. O well!!

God Be With You In Your Life, PJ,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer: :angel:
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I see this thread was started 11 Aug 2013. Wow!

I have spoken with Michael and he says that he did believe some of what I now believe. Well I live to learn and grow, so who knows? :)

Dear iouae,

You are so kind and interesting!! Yes, your second theory about Lucifer and Satan, and all, was way off {not true}, just to let you know. Don't think of such things. They are lies and you know from whom those come. You're a smart cookie, iouae. Don't throw your pearls to be trampled by the swine. Be careful about what you choose to believe. Make things simpler. In other words, believe what God told to Moses and Israel. God won't clobber you if you believe in the simple rendition of what is written in Genesis. Don't try to see into it what really isn't there. You're right. I have come a long way. Back to the beginning, really. Like a circle, to be honest.

May God Be In Your Thoughts And Heart,


:angel: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9: :angrymob: :angel:


No, I know a bit about science. It's super easy to see the universe is older than 6000 years.

With the naked eye, one can see stars between 1500 and 8000 light years away.
With a telescope we see light which has taken tens of thousands of light years to get here.
The stronger the telescope, the further we see, and the older the stars in the sky.

Thus, to say the universe is only 6000 years old just makes us believers sound so igorant.

Same story with the fossil record. It CLEARLY shows strata containing human fossils, and deeper layers with no human fossils.

And we believers don't have to fight science. We have to fight our ignorance as to what the Bible really is saying in Genesis, viz. that this is only a regeneration 6000 years ago, not the original Big Bang/creation.

Dear iouae,

You are lucky if you can see the planet Pluto with the naked eye. How many light-years is it from us on Earth. Those stars which you think are tons of light-years from us is just bad dating practices. Do you know how long a light-year is? Do you know how long 8,000 light-years is?? And you can see even more in the telescope. God stretched out the heavens like a tent. In those heavens are stars and constellations.

It is written that the heaven shall appear black, and the stars shall fall from heaven, even as a fig tree sheds it's untimely fruit. The stars are going to fall from Heaven, it that day when the Lord God shall complete Armageddon. It has not happened yet, but we are warned of it, that it will happen in the near future. Not that it already happened. And these stars aren't going to fall only 1,000 light-years for by then, Armageddon would be long over with. The Scriptures refer to this happening in quite a few places. See Matt. 24:29KJV, for instance. Jesus tells us that "the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken."

How long is it going to take these stars to fall, considering they are tons of light-years away?? I think the way they measure light-years is mistaken. It's another fault of science. They thought carbon-14 dating was foolproof. And Piltdown man was a fact; and Lucy was a fact; and Haeekel's Whopper. None of it is true. Science is ever changing what it says.

These stars that fall shall cause great, grievous, huge hailstones like none that man has seen {see Rev. 16:21KJV}. The time is upon us and yet we still don't believe. The same way that the other people laughed at and jeered at Noah while he built his boat. There are tons more details that I cannot retype it all here. A good bit of it is included in my book. If I had to write everything that has happened to me, it would take many books. I must get going. This is too lengthy. I'm just saying, things are not as OLD as they might seem. That is it in a nutshell.

God Be With You And Your Loved Ones!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


Here is another perfect example of how a mass extinction (the 2nd coming of Christ) leaves the land "tohu wbohu" or without form and void.

Jer 4
22 For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.

24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.

25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled.

26 I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by his fierce anger.

27 For thus hath the Lord said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.

28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black; because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.

Where the SDA's go wrong thinking the whole earth is left uninhabited at the 2nd coming, is in not reading verse 27.

This shows how earth BECOMES "without form and void" at a mass extinction event, and is not the way it is created originally.

Dear iouae,

The part about 'yet will I not make a full end' refers to the Latter Days, where one-third of the Earth's inhabitants shall inherit the Earth {the meek}; one-third shall go to Heaven, and one-third shall go to Death or Hell. So one-third of the Earth's people shall remain and rebuild the Earth after burying all of those who died. Much of the flesh of those who died will be eaten by the birds of prey. I'm sorry I don't leave Biblical scriptural references about everything, but if you want to ask where something is written in the Bible, just let me know, and I will do my best to find it for you. Bones can be buried. It is written that the survivors shall bury the dead and that they will rebuild the Earth.

They will not have toilets any more, no more running water, no electricity, no gas for heat or cars, food shall dwindle, it will be rough. But it will be okay because God says we will know why He did such a thing and the people will be glad. Why? Man shall have to sow seeds to grow food. And because it will usher in a new Earth, where people can sit under a tree without fear of being robbed or killed and you can leave your home's doors unlocked without fear of getting robbed, etc. Those who remain on the Earth shall know God and won't allow themselves to do any evil. Also, the devil shall be locked away again for 1,000 years. So his influence on people shall be nil and the people will be full of God's Spirit. I would also be so bold as to say that people will again live to the ages of 900 years old. There will be no devil to kill them. He'll be in Hell. I could go further, but once again, this is getting long, so I'll close.

God Bless Your Soul!!



Dear alwight,

Hope you're feeling invigorated and ready to take on anything. No, I'm just being joyful again. Hey, it turns out that my PSA is only 0.8 and I could wait until 4.0 before radiation wouldn't work on it. So that's a while. I'll be catching it early enough if I start radiation by December. Things are in motion.

Sorry to go off-topic there for a bit. Just thought I'd share what I've learned recently. I guess you see that I've been on-topic here lately. Well, just read what I've already wrote to everyone if you like. I still think that DavisBJ is dodging me again with his cuisine/puppy story. He just does not want to address my post to him about that article. He is evading it like the plague, trying to make up soliloquies about it instead. Why doesn't he just say that he can't address it because it's too truthful? No evolutionist here has addressed it. It is because it is most likely infallible. Well, Buddy, I've got to have some crackers and cheese, and then hit the sack. It is almost 4:30 a.m. here. Eeek! Will PM you 2morrow.

Warmest Regards & Cheerio, Matey!!



Well-known member

Dear iouae,

The part about 'yet will I not make a full end' refers to the Latter Days, where one-third of the Earth's inhabitants shall inherit the Earth {the meek}; one-third shall go to Heaven, and one-third shall go to Death or Hell. So one-third of the Earth's people shall remain and rebuild the Earth after burying all of those who died. Much of the flesh of those who died will be eaten by the birds of prey. I'm sorry I don't leave Biblical scriptural references about everything, but if you want to ask where something is written in the Bible, just let me know, and I will do my best to find it for you. Bones can be buried. It is written that the survivors shall bury the dead and that they will rebuild the Earth.

They will not have toilets any more, no more running water, no electricity, no gas for heat or cars, food shall dwindle, it will be rough. But it will be okay because God says we will know why He did such a thing and the people will be glad. Why? Man shall have to sow seeds to grow food. And because it will usher in a new Earth, where people can sit under a tree without fear of being robbed or killed and you can leave your home's doors unlocked without fear of getting robbed, etc. Those who remain on the Earth shall know God and won't allow themselves to do any evil. Also, the devil shall be locked away again for 1,000 years. So his influence on people shall be nil and the people will be full of God's Spirit. I would also be so bold as to say that people will again live to the ages of 900 years old. There will be no devil to kill them. He'll be in Hell. I could go further, but once again, this is getting long, so I'll close.

God Bless Your Soul!!


I agree with your post, except for the thirds which I have not heard of.

The references you spoke of are in Jer 4 and Ezek 38-39 and it will happen just as you say.

I am not sure if you get the thirds from this...

Ezekiel 5:2 Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them.

Ezekiel 5:12 A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them.


New member
There are skeletons of primitive men in the fossil record such as the recent H. naledi which HAVE TO BE explained by us believers..

You seem anxious to believe psuedoscience scientific claims rather than God's Word. (Even most anthropologists are skeptical of Berger’s claims about H.naledi, so why are you do anxious to believe? )
Read Genesis....believe Genesis.


Well-known member
You seem anxious to believe psuedoscience scientific claims rather than God's Word. (Even most anthropologists are skeptical of Berger’s claims about H.naledi, so why are you do anxious to believe? )
Read Genesis....believe Genesis.

Because we cannot sweep these hominid fossils under a layer of sedimentary rock and forget about them.

Evolutionists have their theories, what are ours for believers?
Were these contemporaneous with Adam's descendants?
Nobody has yet dated H. naledi.

I stick to my belief that God was playing around with proto-humans before He made man 6000 years ago. And if I am wrong, He will do what He is famous for and forgive me.

And not long ago they discovered a hobbit like human half the size of modern man, H. floresiensis. Science is fascinating and not at all threatening.


New member
Dear alwight,

Hope you're feeling invigorated and ready to take on anything. No, I'm just being joyful again. Hey, it turns out that my PSA is only 0.8 and I could wait until 4.0 before radiation wouldn't work on it. So that's a while. I'll be catching it early enough if I start radiation by December. Things are in motion.

Sorry to go off-topic there for a bit. Just thought I'd share what I've learned recently. I guess you see that I've been on-topic here lately. Well, just read what I've already wrote to everyone if you like. I still think that DavisBJ is dodging me again with his cuisine/puppy story. He just does not want to address my post to him about that article. He is evading it like the plague, trying to make up soliloquies about it instead. Why doesn't he just say that he can't address it because it's too truthful? No evolutionist here has addressed it. It is because it is most likely infallible. Well, Buddy, I've got to have some crackers and cheese, and then hit the sack. It is almost 4:30 a.m. here. Eeek! Will PM you 2morrow.

Warmest Regards & Cheerio, Matey!!

Hi Michael, I'm glad you are feeling chipper.:)

Just for you I'll make an effort here.
Your copied article appears to have been written by a Hendrik "Hank" Hanegraaff, who seems to be a radio talk show host, evangelical Christian and who is also known as the "Bible Answer Man". IOW he is an evangelical apologist who looks for ways to support the Bible whatever science may say.
He makes unsupported statements and claims which have almost nothing to do with scientific conclusions or evidence. If there were anything of substance in his words then I can presume to assure you that probably both Davis and myself would be more than delighted to to tackle anything interesting, that wasn't simply the usual bald evidence free assertions.

Firstly he asserts that because the universe seems to have had a beginning that "Of course, this implies that someone or something brought the universe into existence". So what? Maybe that was true or maybe it wasn't, but he doesn't know.

Secondly [he says], "the universe bears all the marks of having been “finely tuned” to make life possible".
Just another baseless assertion that other apologists like to trot out periodically as if based in scientific fact. The truth is we have no idea if any other kind of universe is even possible or if countless universes have already come and gone without life. We are here in this minute speck of this overwhelmingly hostile universe because we can be, not because this universe is somehow amenable to life, it isn't.

Thirdly, [he goes on] "the evidence is mounting that life on earth simply could not and did not come into existence through natural processes in a primordial “soup.” For example, the experiments to prove that it could have happened are suspect because little progress has been made possible due to the ingenious designs on the part of experimenters."
Hogwash, the building blocks of life and organic molecules are known to exist or at least have recently been confirmed to exist by the Rosetta mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and therefore must have been present on an early Earth. It just isn't reasonable to conclude that life could not have started naturally on Earth. Of course an evangelical apologist wants to jump to the conclusion that it required something supernatural, when in all probability no it didn't.

Fourthly [according to Hank], "the genetic code of all biological life on earth contains evidence of intelligent design. This is because the genetic code contains information comparable to the information in complex computer programs as well as information in books."
Just a baseless assertion and argument from personal incredulity.
In any case infinite complexity can be derived from something fairly simple, see Mandelbrot set.

Fifthly, [and finally] "the fossil record continues to be an embarrassment to the Darwinian theory of evolution. The many transitional forms which Darwin predicted would be found simply have not surfaced."
The old "no transitional fossils" canard again. Every time a new transitional fossil emerges that means that creationists now claim two missing transitional fossils either side where before there was only one. :yawn:

You can't say I dodged anything here Michael, but trust me that your copied post has nothing but the usual creationist nonsense that has been gone over many times before.



Well-known member

Dear iouae,

You are lucky if you can see the planet Pluto with the naked eye. How many light-years is it from us on Earth. Those stars which you think are tons of light-years from us is just bad dating practices. Do you know how long a light-year is? Do you know how long 8,000 light-years is?? And you can see even more in the telescope. God stretched out the heavens like a tent. In those heavens are stars and constellations.

It is written that the heaven shall appear black, and the stars shall fall from heaven, even as a fig tree sheds it's untimely fruit. The stars are going to fall from Heaven, it that day when the Lord God shall complete Armageddon. It has not happened yet, but we are warned of it, that it will happen in the near future. Not that it already happened. And these stars aren't going to fall only 1,000 light-years for by then, Armageddon would be long over with. The Scriptures refer to this happening in quite a few places. See Matt. 24:29KJV, for instance. Jesus tells us that "the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken."

How long is it going to take these stars to fall, considering they are tons of light-years away?? I think the way they measure light-years is mistaken. It's another fault of science. They thought carbon-14 dating was foolproof. And Piltdown man was a fact; and Lucy was a fact; and Haeekel's Whopper. None of it is true. Science is ever changing what it says.

These stars that fall shall cause great, grievous, huge hailstones like none that man has seen {see Rev. 16:21KJV}. The time is upon us and yet we still don't believe. The same way that the other people laughed at and jeered at Noah while he built his boat. There are tons more details that I cannot retype it all here. A good bit of it is included in my book. If I had to write everything that has happened to me, it would take many books. I must get going. This is too lengthy. I'm just saying, things are not as OLD as they might seem. That is it in a nutshell.

God Be With You And Your Loved Ones!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:

Hi Michael

Reading Revelation I have concluded that when Christ says that He comes with the "clouds of heaven" He is not bringing our fluffy rain clouds, but clouds of space junk. This junk is going to fall to earth. We call meteors and meteorites shooting STARS. Those are the "stars" Revelation speaks about, rocks the size of a football pitch..

So God does not drag Alpha Centauri (our nearest star) to drop onto earth, because stars are so big, they would obliterate earth.

The following plagues of Rev are all space rocks falling to earth...
6th seal (Rev 6:13)
1st trumpet (Rev 8:7)
2nd trumpet (Rev 8:8)
3rd trumpet (Rev 8:10)
4th trumpet (Rev 8:12 - atmosphere full of space dust)

Rev 12:1-4 The "great red dragon" having 7 heads and 10 horns I believe refers to a comet which looks like a serpent with a tail, having 7 chunks at the front of the comet, and 10 horns or gas discharges. Notice the reference to a tail of "stars" or rocks about to fall to earth (Rev 12:4) characteristic of a comet about to hit earth with its tail. I could be wrong, but I keep it as a possible explanation.

Many of the vial plagues causing water to be poisoned, darkness etc could be due to earth passing through the tail of the comet, or other space debris. The final hailstones of a talent could be from space. Where else could 100b hailstones come from?

Thus the 2nd coming is accompanied by a mass extinction due to a comet or meteor shower. Scientists are worried about this as one of the most likely ways that earth has been destroyed in the past, and therefore also the future. It is hard to see coming, even with telescopes and not even Bruce Willis will be able to do anything about it, except to find a well provisioned cave somewhere.


New member
Michael, this will be just a brief post trying to impress on you that your ill-informed questions about science end up reflecting poorly on you. A couple of glaring examples: (I hope you don’t object to the fact that I removed the obscene coloring and silly font and format that you inflicted on us).
Dear iouae,
… You are lucky if you can see the planet Pluto with the naked eye.
Iouae said nothing about seeing planets (and Pluto is a minor one of even those). Iouae said stars. Do you know the difference? Planets are mostly just rock, and so gotta be really close (astronomically speaking) to be seen with the naked eye. Stars are kinda like continual atomic explosions, emitting lots of light, so are visible much farther away.
How many light-years is it from us on Earth.
That’s like asking how many miles is it from your sofa to the front door of your house. Pluto is only a few light-hours away.
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