A Few Covid Vaccine Recipients Developed a Rare Blood Disorder (Published 2021)
A link to the vaccines is not certain, and investigations are underway in some reported cases.
I still plan to get it when it becomes available to me. It would be an interesting way to die.
"Officials with the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that they were looking into the reports, but that so far, rates of the condition in vaccinated people did not appear higher than the rates normally found in the U.S. population, so the cases could be coincidental."
"Hematologists with expertise in treating immune thrombocytopenia said they suspected that the vaccine did play a role. But they said that cases after vaccination were likely to be exceedingly rare, possibly the result of an unknown predisposition in some people to react to the vaccine by developing an immune response that destroys their platelets. The disorder has occurred, rarely, in people who received other inoculations, particularly the measles-mumps-rubella one."