I believe many of these "creeps" do believe the Bible, but it seems that interpretation is like a life style, everyone has their own one
Again, you have what the majority of people read, then walk away with as theology, and then you have about 1%. In math class, I mostly got the same answers with 99% of the class. When I didn't? Rarely but wrong.
I know He can... but what if the doctrine defies logic in my opinion?
Well for one, I think I've given 3 points among a few others, that 1) demand it is logical and 2) has it making very good sense. Are either of us stupid? No, but perhaps one isn't as careful as the next.
Until now I always thought, "If a doctrine defies logic, try to understand it, there must be something wrong with my logic."
Something may be wrong with our thinking, but we can 'logically' arrive at wrong answers. I didn't always get math answers right. I am logical.
But why assume my logic is always wrong and end every conversation with, "It's beyond understanding?". No, I'm not implying you're doing it, it was just a side note
Percentages. If 99 out of 100 have the same answer, I can rest a little easier. If I am
the one with a different answer? Some on here are so stinking confident with that, it is beyond reasonable or intelligent to me. When we put all the classes together (like on TOL) it is even worse. Those one-in-every-99 all have a different answer, come here and spout it off and worse, the have different answers even from one another! Exponentially, it then becomes 10 in 990 and nearly all of them with different answers. It is almost comical, if it weren't sad, that they then argue with each other on TOL after the other 990 of us give up a hopeless cause.
He definitely chose His way, the question is if what we think He chose is what He really chose
Again 990 against one or two. When we keep going, it is 99900 to 100, and maybe 5 of the 100 have the same answer. Percentages don't 'prove' a point, but they do indeed show exponential probability. Take the number and it is 99% sure that one guy by himself is wrong. God doesn't depend on percentages, and even says the way is narrow BUT it seems unreasonable to me, among those professing to be Christian 99900 of them don't make it? TOO narrow in my opinion. As far as my expectation, there haven't been many Christians, although the full number is encouraging lately. So, just by the numbers alone, I believe contention is unreasonable. Not only that, I'm one of the guys that came up with the same answer as the 99900. I didn't copy and did my own work. Sure, there are kids in every class that copy. Usually even those kids are smart at it. They aren't copying but the smarter kids. At least they are smart enough at that point. Food for though and I think with at least a little weight and worth a few moments of consideration. "IF" you followed me this far, you are well beyond most. I can't get a cultist to understand the unlikelihood to save my or their life
We still are? I thought we were, what about 2 Corinthians 5:19?
You are questioning the very act, so 'we' is inclusive as to the need of the death of Jesus Christ. See John 16:7
At this point, I'd warn about giving the one in 99 answer. For what it is worth, it definitely doesn't look right and I tend to do well on these. For what it is worth.
I don't get impressed with numbers

Sometimes 1 in a million is right
Ah. Interesting. Every last one :think:
Thank you for your input, I'll have to think about it deeper!
Better. Dismissing the numbers has me a bit discouraged.