Cops REFUSE TO ARREST ACCOMPLICE in California Terrorist Attack!


New member
In tune with the massive liberal / Democrat / Socialist coverup of Terrorism,
the FBI has been put in charge of the investigation.

The FBI is directly under covert control of the White House.

They have been ordered to basically abandon several of the crime scenes,
including the residence of the terrorists.

The Terrorists took out a $28,000 LOAN months in advance,
to consolidate their debts and provide money to their relatives
to look after their baby!

Finally, the MUSLIM ACCOMPLICE who acquired the guns for them,
actually lived with the couple, were neighbours and even IN-LAWS,
and was one of the men seen 'coming and going' from the garage full of bombs!

He also knows the identity of the others who frequently accessed the garage,
and were obviously making and transporting bombs for terrorism purposes.


Now the FBI is painting a picture that he is "just a guy" who legally bought them
the AR-15 Assault Rifles, and its all ok! Nothing to see here!

Its known that this man also suspiciously converted to "ISLAM" two years earlier,
marrying into the family and attending the same mosque!

Yet FBI says he isn't involved! (per orders from WHITE HOUSE);

Two sources said Farook and Malik had practiced their shooting skills at a Riverside, California-area gun range for a year or more before last Wednesday’s attack on a holiday office party. They killed 14 people and wounded 21 more with firearms at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino.

Counterterrorism officials also told NBC News that Farook and Malik were making preparations for some time to “take care of both grandma and the baby.” The couple lived in a Redlands, California residence with their 6-month-old daughter and Farook’s 62-year-old mother, Rafia Farook. They left their daughter with Rafia Farook on the morning of the attack.
Investigators are examining a $28,500 deposit made to Farook’s bank account in the weeks before the Dec. 2 rampage.
A U.S. counterterrorism official said that he didn’t have details on the transfer, but that it “would be consistent with them making preparations for grandma and the kid.”

MSNBC Live with Tamron Hall , 12/8/15, 11:24 AM ET
$28,500 deposit to San Bernardino attackers' account investigated

“They had purposely thought through that problem,” said the official. “There were other indications of preparations.”
Reuters reported that the loan to Farook was made by the online lender Prosper. In a statement, Prosper said that the company is “prohibited by law from disclosing any non-public, personally identifiable information regarding any loan originated through our platform.”
“All loans originated through the Prosper platform are subject to all identity verification and screening procedures required by law, including U.S. anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering laws,” the spokesperson said. “Like all Americans, Prosper is shocked and saddened by recent events in San Bernardino.”
The latest revelations come after NBC News reported Monday that federal investigators are interviewing a neighbor of Farook and Malik who bought two of the four guns that were used in the massacre.
That man, Enrique Marquez — who NBC News has learned is an in-law of Farook — had converted to Islam about three or four years ago, according to the son of the imam at the Islamic Center of Riverside.
Marquez, along with Farook and Malik, attended the mosque, officials have said. In 2014, records show, Marquez married a woman named Mariya Chernykh — the sister of Tatiana Farook, who is married to Syed Rizwan Farook’s brother, Syed Raheel Farook.

Both Tatiana and Syed Raheel Farook were witnesses at the ceremony, according to public records.
Enrique Marquez and Mariya Chernykh also listed their home address as the same one belonging to Syed Raheel Farook and his father.
Muhammed Kuko, the son of the imam at the Islamic Center of Riverside, told NBC News that Marquez went to Friday prayers there in addition to working at its bookstore.
He said he heard Marquez was a gun hobbyist, and he came across as mild-mannered, smiling and helpful — and Kuko never heard him express any extreme or conservative views. He said he would be shocked if Marquez was knowingly an accomplice to the massacre.
Kuko added that Farook was also reserved and mild-mannered, and sometimes liked to play on the mosque’s basketball court.
Marquez has not been named as suspect in the case, and investigators say he has been cooperative. Law enforcement sources said he bought the two semiautomatic rifles used in last week’s attack in 2011 and 2012.
All four guns were purchased legally, officials have said.


Weirdo, Loner

Two neighbours of Marquez told Reuters they never saw him with a woman.
"I saw no sign of him having a wife - it was only his mom in the house," said Lori Aguirre, who lives across the street and said she knew Marquez because he sometimes drove her son to and from school.
"I only saw him going to work or coming home alone. It would be a big surprise if he was married," she said.
This was echoed by another neighbour, who said he did not know Marquez.
"I never saw any young woman around. Only his mom," said the man, who declined to be named.
A third neighbour, however, said he had seen Marquez with a woman. "I don't know if they were legally married, but I saw him with someone," said the neighbour, who also declined to be named.
Employees at a Walmart Supercentre in Corona, California, 20 minutes by car from Riverside, said Marquez has been working there as an asset protection and customer specialist for about six months. He was last seen at the store on November 29, they said.
Ashlee Sims, 25, a security guard at the Walmart, on Sunday described Marquez as "weird" and "awkward." He is quiet, but likes to go out and party, Sims said.


It also appears that Enrique Marquez married the sister of Syed’s brother’s wife. However, they were never seen together and it appears to be a “Green Card Marriage” only :
Marquez, along with Farook and Malik, attended the mosque, officials have said. In 2014, records show, Marquez married a woman named Mariya Chernykh — the sister of Tatiana Farook, who is married to Syed Rizwan Farook’s brother, Syed Raheel Farook.
Both Tatiana and Syed Raheel Farook were witnesses at the ceremony, according to public records.
Enrique Marquez and Mariya Chernykh also listed their home address as the same one belonging to Syed Raheel Farook and his father. (read more)
Marquez is now out of the hospital:
Marquez could become a subject of the investigation depending on what the FBI learns, an unnamed federal source told The Washington Post.
Farook lived next door to Marquez for several years, until Farook moved to Redlands last year. They were friendly, sharing an interest in working on cars, neighbors say.
Authorities raided the Marquez family’s house over the weekend, but authorities said Sunday that Marquez had not been arrested.
His family last had contact with him about 2 1/2 hours after Wednesday’s shooting, a neighbor said. He told them he was OK, but that he wasn’t coming home.
Marquez checked himself into a mental health facility Friday, the Post reported. Authorities said he has since checked out and been questioned by the FBI, which is interested in learning about the guns he provided as well as whether he had any knowledge of the plot.
The FBI is also investigating whether Marquez and Farook had talked about getting into “badness,” said another official. (read more)

And further information into Syed Farook shows his cell phone had pictures of a local High School. Possibly casing a location for part of their terrorist intentions:
San Bernardino mass shooter Syed Farook had multiple photos of a Rialto high school on his cellphone, according to sources close to the investigation.
As a health inspector for the San Bernardino County Department of Health, Farook inspected the majority of Rialto Unified School District’s 30 food preparation facilities twice a year, according to the district.
According to sources close to the investigation, FBI investigators searched Carter High School in Rialto on Monday after multiple exterior photos of the school were discovered on a cellphone owned by Farook.
“We are cooperating with the FBI as well as local law enforcement,” Rialto Unified spokeswoman Syeda Jafri said Monday afternoon.
Farook’s signature, which is clearly legible on his letter grade ratings of Rialto Unified food service facilities, has been covered up by Post-it notes by staff at many of the locations, so as to not alarm patrons, Jafri said. (read more)



New member

Police have now charged the man who illegally procured the guns for the San Bernadino terrorists:

San Bernardino couple's friend charged with terror-related offenses

Kevin Johnson and John Bacon, USA TODAY 7 p.m. EST December 17, 2015
President Barack Obama says U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism officials don't have any specific, credible information suggesting a potential terrorist attack against the U.S. during the holidays. (Dec. 17)AP


(Photo: Jae C. Hong, AP)


A friend of the San Bernardino, Calif., couple whose shooting rampage two weeks ago left 14 people dead, was arrested and charged Thursday with the unlawful purchase of two assault rifles used in the attack.
Enrique Marquez, 24, is also accused of plotting at least two other assaults, in 2011 and 2012, with Sayed Farook that were not carried out.
Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, died in an exchange of gunfire with police following the Dec. 2 rampage.
In the first criminal charges filed in connection with the massacre, Marquez is accused of immersing himself in radical ideology shortly after meeting Farook in 2005 while the two were neighbors in Riverside. And by 2011, according to court documents, Marquez and Farook bonded in the firebrand rhetoric of now-deceased al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and in the extremist literature of Inspire, the official publication of al-Qaeda in Yemen.
While federal prosecutors do not accuse Marquez of being involved in the San Bernardino attack, the former security guard is charged with helping Farook select other potential targets, including the Riverside Community College in 2011.
According to court documents, Marquez and Farook started planning to use firearms and explosives to carry out terrorist acts "designed to maximize the number of casualties.'' Marquez allegedly told investigators that he and Farook planned to assault the library or cafeteria of the community college where both had been students.
"The plan allegedly was to throw pipe bombs into the cafeteria area from an elevated position on the second floor, and then to shoot people as they fled,'' prosecutors asserted in court documents.
The second plot, which Marquez allegedly described in extensive interviews with federal investigators, amounted to an ambush of motorists during rush-hour on California State Route 91, which services the greater Los Angeles area.
According to court documents, Marquez and Farook planned to lob pipebombs on a stretch of road with no nearby exits, shutting off any immediate escape route. The plot then called for the two to open fire on the stranded motorists as they left their vehicles.
Marquez allegedly told investigators that part of the plot, which also was not carried out, called for him to target law enforcement officers from a nearby hillside as they came to assist.
“Mr. Marquez conspired with Mr. Farook to commit vicious attacks, as set forth in today’s charges,” U.S. Attorney Eileen M. Decker said. “Even though these plans were not carried out, Mr. Marquez’s criminal conduct deeply affected San Bernardino County, Southern California, and the entire United States when the guns purchased by Marquez were used to kill 14 innocent people and wound many others.
"While there currently is no evidence that Mr. Marquez participated in the Dec. 2, 2015 attack or had advance knowledge of it, his prior purchase of the firearms and ongoing failure to warn authorities about Farook’s intent to commit mass murder had fatal consequences.''
