Conspiracy theories or ideas you don't want to be true?


New member
It is often said that people who deny man made global warming are conspiracy theorists. I'm guessing they think that if so many "credible" people state something as true, to deny it is to claim these people all conspire with each other to uphold a falsehood. Why do these people feel that is the only logical reason to deny what so many "experts" say is reality?


Well-known member
Socialism is probably the single biggest, furthest reaching lie of the 20th century because it's offshoots have affected every aspect of modern life. No institution has remained unsoiled by it. A failed doctrine whenever tried, yet it still holds sway in the minds of the greedy and the ignorant. But it's run by those who know exactly what they're after.

It is a common misconception that socialism is about helping poor people. Actually, what socialism does is create poor people, and keep them poor. And that's not by accident. Under capitalism, rich people become powerful. But under socialism, powerful people become rich. When you look at a socialist country like Venezuela, you find that the rulers are fabulously wealthy even as the ordinary citizenry deals with empty supermarket shelves and electricity rationing.

-- Glenn Reynolds

I disagree with a point in the above linked piece. They (the ones in charge) very much DO understand cause and effect. They just want absolute control over it, giving them the unrestricted power to accumulate stolen wealth while denying the means of wealth to (1) their enemies and (2) to ignorant, lazy masses who are trained to expect the beneficence of their neighbors, which the neighbors are forced to give up at gunpoint.