Conservative Media Warns of Conservative Failure

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Conservative Media Warns of Conservative Failure

This is the show from Monday February 7th, 2011.


* Breitbart & WorldNetDaily: both have run columns warning that so-called conservatives, like George Will (The Ongoing Tragedy of American Conservatism, by NBC's Law & Order star Michael Moriarity) and Mitt Romney (Memo to Conservative & Evangelical Leaders by Joseph Farah), are frauds and pro-abortion child killers, and that rank-and-file conservatives need to wake up and start fighting more smartly, and not fight just to win, but always, fight for what is right.

* Pennsylvania Caller Finds BEL Again after 15 Years: Donald talked about how Bob convinced him to pull his kids out of public school and home school them, and his oldest daughter is now graduating from home school high school! And then there's the younger kids, and the problem with godless charter schools...

* Formerly and Recently Homeless John from Boulder, Colorado: Calls to encourage Bob for the principles promoted on BEL!

Today’s Resource: Now you can order Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists revealing a presentation given to Focus on the Family to Dr. James Dobson's V.P. Tom Minnery and their Public Policy group. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. And now, Focus 3 presents American RTL's three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important videos online or order the above DVDs, and consider getting a set for a friend, for a pro-life leader or activist you know, and for your local pro-life organization!


Conservative Media Warns of Conservative Failure

This is the show from Monday February 7th, 2011.


* Breitbart & WorldNetDaily: both have run columns warning that so-called conservatives, like George Will (The Ongoing Tragedy of American Conservatism, by NBC's Law & Order star Michael Moriarity) and Mitt Romney (Memo to Conservative & Evangelical Leaders by Joseph Farah), are frauds and pro-abortion child killers, and that rank-and-file conservatives need to wake up and start fighting more smartly, and not fight just to win, but always, fight for what is right.

Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing Jefferson.

Andrew Breitbart Joins GOProudPosted Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The libertarian media entrepreneur, who has previously said he's holding a party for gay conservatives at CPAC, is joining the group that so irritates social conservatives. From his statement, announcing his new gig on the GOProud advisory board:

I applaud GOProud's strong, principled conservatism and admire their courage to defy the left's stifling demand for group conformity. As a fierce opponent of the cultural Marxism and political correctness that divides Americans into different identity groups, I embrace the American motto E Pluribus Unum as an antidote to the Democratic Party's divide and conquer strategy.

For several months, a few social conservative groups, led by Robert George's American Principles Project, have been needling their peers about getting out of CPAC to protest GOProud's inclusion. The protest, notably, has not been joined by presidential hopefuls. Last week at an event at GWU, Tim Pawlenty made a point of telling conservative students to attend CPAC; and, obviously, to vote for him in the straw poll.


So, homosexual conservatives should be barred from attending CPAC?

As meat eating vegans should be barred from attending vegan conventions.

As I've said numerous times in various blogs: homosexuality is not a "conservative value".

If republicrats are going to sell out God for votes, at least let those who commit other sexual sins such as bestiality, necrophilia and incest have their say as well. I would have mentioned pedophilia, but GOProud will already be there.
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