Confessions of a Christian Zionist



It's unavoidable. Our world is growing more deeply infused with Anti-God views. I come here to see what all walks of theologically interested people believe.

To my fellow supporters of Israel and the Jews, I say Thank You.

As for all of you that speak against Israel and the Jews, but claim to understand scripture, I say:

"You are all under the beginnings of a powerful delusion. Perhaps you will be blessed and not witness what is to truly happen one day, as fortold in scripture, but know that we grow closer and closer by the clock of Israel and the One to Whom a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day."

Theological differences should never divide the body of Christ and Israel is not a death nail for salvation, but how can so many self-proclaimed Christians speak out against the blood of Jacob and the Holy Land of God?

I want to say horrible things against the enemies of Israel, but that would be wrong. All I can do is weep and ask those followers of Christ that deny the Jews and Israel their right;

"How could you feed your widow mother to the jackals and wolves?"

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Where do you get the idea that Christians hate Jews?

I don't.

My intention was to say thank you to those that support the Jews and Israel and be strong in speech towards those who don't.

I will tell you that there is a severely anti-Israel (literal Israel) and anti-Semitic undercurrent that has been put into words on many ToL threads that represents the mindset of a large number of Christians in the world.


Hey E.E,

I believe Christian Zionists believe all Jews will be saved no matter what meaning without being Jesus' followers.

do you believe that too?


Hey E.E,

I believe Christian Zionists believe all Jews will be saved no matter what meaning without being Jesus' followers.

do you believe that too?



That would remove human free will from their equation. Also, within the context of the gospels and in direct reference to some Jews that saw Him in the Flesh, Jesus clearly says to some high, authoritative Jews, that because they have seen and not believed, they will not inherit the kingdom.

Good question
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Well-known member
then why do you call yourself Zionist?

GOD is the original Zionist.

Psa 132:11 The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.
Psa 132:13 For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.
Psa 132:14 This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.


GOD is the original Zionist.

Psa 132:11 The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.
Psa 132:13 For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.
Psa 132:14 This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it.

Amen to that Steko! Beautiful Scripture and how it gets by anyone, I'll never want to know.


then why do you call yourself Zionist?

There is no "theology" to Zionism. It's either God keeps His promises or He doesn't.

But, to edit in a better answer... There are land promises to the literal descendants of Jacob involving the land of Israel and further more prophecy that directly involves literal Israel and the descendants of Jacob.

I and others here believe that Jesus is the Messiah of the Jews, in the way He presented Himself to the Gentiles. Though this was initially through the Jews. We, the Gentiles were the last to be given the knowledge of God, while the Hebrews were the first to be given the knowledge of God.

To some Jews, the Gospel was too contrary to the law to accept. They were hard to the message of Jesus. Yes! Many Jews are the origin of what we have as the New Testament and extension of the "church", but God has deep plans for even the hardened Jews.

The difference is in God presenting Himself to the Jews during the final events of prophecy in a way that demonstrates His mercy. This event will bring a final alter call so to speak.

There are clearly Jews that have died denying Jesus and there are Jews that deny Him to this day, but God has had a plan for the Jews that spans through scripture and to the very last day of this old earth.

That precious blood will be understood by them in a day we do not know yet that involves a final assault on Israel that brings God to the rescue. It's blatantly in all prophetic scriptures.

Does that further explain matters to you?

: )


Google Zionism.

It is a word that has many meanings. I have explained to you what it means when you hear me say it. I only speak for myself, but there are many out there that have arrived to this place, without the assistance of denomination, human doctrine or prodding. I have been fortunate enough to meet some of them here. : )

To google Zionism would be like googling "Christianity".

As followers of the way were first called Christians in the book of Acts, so Zionists draw from Gods Love and concern for Zion and her original or "first" children.

One Zionist may simply speak as we speak here in our own different ways, but there are other forms of Zionism that take a much different shape.

This is just plain old zeal for All of Gods promises.
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