Coming soon to the UK and all of Europe


Well-known member
Bloodthirsty Daesh Islamists posted notes through the doors of dozens of random neighbours in several cities across Sweden, including the capital Stockholm, threatening to murder "non-believers" in a terrifying campaign of violence.

Sweden is now on lockdown after the chilling letters pledged to behead innocent civilians and then "bomb your rotten corpses afterwards" . . .

"You must choose between these three choices: 1. Convert to Islam. 2. Pay the jizya [religious tax] for protection. 3. Or else, you will be decapitated.

"The police will not prevent or save you from you being murdered. (Death comes to all of you)."

Your leaders won't stop it and you can't. Sorry. Several of us would invite you to the U.S. but most of you seem to believe you're safer where you are, and would just bring you anti-self-defense programming here.


New member
Sweden's tolerance has made the country vulnerable. This is also true of other nations. The religion of Islam breeds terrorist. The fact that there are peaceful Muslims will not make the problems go away. In time you will see that things only get worse and will continue.
Islam is the red horse.


Well-known member
Notice the attempt at whitewash that still made it into the story...

Local news outlets reported two Muslim asylum seekers of Iraqi origin - one in Ronneby and one in Vstroes - were amongst the recipients of the cruel letter.

No mention of who most of the recipients were. Even with the implication plainly obvious, they still don't want to panic the herd.


New member
You Americans are soooo lucky to have the likes of Donald J Trump to protect y'all from Islamic loonies.:plain:

Muslims in America tread lightly because we are a armed society. Besides that, many of them came here fleeing Muslim persecution. Peaceful Muslims are considered apostates by many of their fellow Muslims.


You Americans are soooo lucky to have the likes of Donald J Trump to protect y'all from Islamic loonies.:plain:

Yeah, there's nothing like a man who doesn't ball up like a little punk when liberals shout their unwarranted bias at them.

If the world adhered to that blithering, retarded whistle blowing, we'd all be on the ground worshiping Allah.


Well-known member
The US of A is the land of the free after all.
Where loonies are apparently free to come and go unless a different kind of loony gets to be president. :plain:

Enjoy the coming jizya.

Jizya is the money, or tribute, “that conquered non-Muslims historically had to pay to their Islamic overlords 'with willing submission and while feeling themselves subdued' to safeguard their existence,” Mr. Ibrahim explained.

No, on second thought you'll convert outright, like a feckless punk.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
perhaps we could all chip in and buy him a bag of fecks for Christmas

then he wouldn't be feckless :)


Well-known member
He wouldn't know what to do with them. Probably cover them with vinegar or mayonnaise or something, with a side of eels.