Comey deleted "the memo"


Well-known member
Former FBI Director James Comey, under oath, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about his meetings with Donald Trump (something Donald Trump will probably refuse to do).

The presence of the memo is important because?

Under oath......I was shocked, confused, afraid, queasy, that's a good question, had I been stronger etc.

Poor shrinking violet under oath. And you believe that? :rotfl:


Well-known member
View attachment 25771

How strange is this?

The above is a segment of a letter from the Senate Intelligence Committee asked Daniel Richman, the man who James Comey had supposedly leak his memo to the NY Times.

Comey, after saying he felt he needed to take notes to protect himself in his conversations with President Donald Trump and then being so concerned about going on record about what happened in the meeting that he supposedly had Richman leak the contents to the NY Times, deletes the memo that had been on his FBI laptop?

Also it should be noted that the reporter who spoke with Richman said that the the leaker (Richman) did NOT have the memo, that he was remembering what he had been told about it.

So here’s a question that I’ve been asking since the media broke the story of the memo: is there even a memo and who has even seen it?

Or is this all just a fevered attempt by Comey to retaliate that mushroomed and got out of hand?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Former FBI Director James Comey, under oath, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about his meetings with Donald Trump (something Donald Trump will probably refuse to do).

The presence of the memo is important because?

Under oath......I was shocked, confused, afraid, queasy, that's a good question, had I been stronger etc.

Poor shrinking violet under oath. And you believe that? :rotfl:

I must have missed your answer as to why the physical presence of James Comey's memo is so important.

Why did he delete the memo from his laptop? One can only speculate for now that perhaps he wrote some notes in it that he believed shouldn't be viewed by the public.


Well-known member
I must have missed your answer as to why the physical presence of James Comey's memo is so important.

For one thing, it would prove beyond any dispute that your Democrat party didn't just make it all up to try to torpedo Trump.

It would also demonstrate the probable dishonesty of the reporter who was supposed to have received the memo, but now says he only was TOLD what was in it before he reported on it, but never actually saw it.

Know how everyone says the worst part about Watergate wasn't the penny ante break in, but the mad scramble to cover everything up? Same thing here...their bluff was called with no hand to play so now they are sweating bricks.

One can only speculate for now that perhaps he wrote some notes in it that he believed shouldn't be viewed by the public.

If so, it could easily have been redacted with a big black marker, as they did during Watergate.

Don't spin for your fellow leftists. You're no good at it and it's embarrassing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Former FBI Director James Comey, under oath, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about his meetings with Donald Trump (something Donald Trump will probably refuse to do).

The presence of the memo is important because?

I must have missed your answer as to why the physical presence of James Comey's memo is so important.

Why did he delete the memo from his laptop? One can only speculate for now that perhaps he wrote some notes in it that he believed shouldn't be viewed by the public.

Well, it wouldn't be because he was protecting Trump. Wonder who that leaves....:think:


Under oath......I was shocked, confused, afraid, queasy, that's a good question, had I been stronger etc.

Poor shrinking violet under oath. And you believe that? :rotfl:
This goes to the very heart of Trump's problems, neither he nor his supporters can conceive of their adversaries as having any honor or integrity - qualities for which they assume they have the monopoly!"

By "burning all their bridges," Trump and his motley crew have effectively undermined any prospect of moderate Republicans and Democrats forming a coalition that could have provided the Trump Administration with the option of bypassing the demands of the more extremist "Freedom Caucus" when enacting legislation!


Well-known member
This goes to the very heart of Trump's problems, neither he nor his supporters can conceive of their adversaries as having any honor or integrity - qualities for which they assume they have the monopoly!"

By "burning all their bridges," Trump and his motley crew have effectively undermined any prospect of moderate Republicans and Democrats forming a coalition that could have provided the Trump Administration with the option of bypassing the demands of the more extremist "Freedom Caucus" when enacting legislation!

None of the Dems (save Manshion) would ever agree to forming any kind of a coalition. They are out to Resist to the bitter end. They care more for their power than they do for this country. Many of the establishment Republicans are no better.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I must have missed your [glorydaz] answer as to why the physical presence of James Comey's memo is so important.

For one thing, it would prove beyond any dispute that your Democrat party didn't just make it all up to try to torpedo Trump.

I'm pretty sure that 3 hours of being thoroughly questioned under oath by the Senate Intelligence Committee covered everything. Perhaps James Comey had written in his notes (now referred to as a memo) things like "Donald Trump is a pathological liar"

and didn't feel that it was appropriate to make public.

It would also demonstrate the probable dishonesty of the reporter who was supposed to have received the memo, but now says he only was TOLD what was in it before he reported on it, but never actually saw it.

It's Donald Trump's turn to present the "recordings" that he allegedly has so that Comey's testimony can be confirmed.


Know how everyone says the worst part about Watergate wasn't the penny ante break in, but the mad scramble to cover everything up? Same thing here...their bluff was called with no hand to play so now they are sweating bricks.

Without a doubt the cover up of Trump and his inner circle's ties to Russia will be the downfall of the orange haired sociopath.

...Don't spin for your fellow leftists. You're no good at it and it's embarrassing

What's embarrassing is you Libertarians calling yourself conservative. Just because your left wing President won on the Republican ticket doesn't all of the sudden make him and his loyal followers conservatives.

The incidents between Donald Trump and James Comey are miniscule when it comes to what lies ahead with the Robert Mueller investigation.


None of the Dems (save Manshion) would ever agree to forming any kind of a coalition. They are out to Resist to the bitter end. They care more for their power than they do for this country. Many of the establishment Republicans are no better.
The proposed healthcare legislation in the Senate is being conducted behind closed doors, without any public hearings and no women on the committee!

Obamacare took over a year to pass through Congress, and even then the Republicans were critical that it was done too quickly.

Given that the Republican House healthcare legislation has a public approval rate of only 17%, the GOP has come to the "self-serving" conclusion that the less the electorate know about this bill - the better!
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