Colorado Right To Life Wins in Court

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Colorado Right To Life Wins in Court

This is the show from Wednesday August 22nd, 2007.


* CRTL Wins Another Battle: The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that a campaign-finance reform law that would limit the free speech (and Christian ministry) of groups like Colorado Right to Life does not apply to CRTL, even though CRTL has published voter guides, run radio ads and sent direct mail and e-mail to move public opinion against child-killing organization like Planned Parenthood, and against leaders who tolerate child killing. As a result of this victory, CRTL can not be forced to register as a political action group.
* Another Offer to Drivers: professional driver Vic from Aurora Colorado was so happy with the response to his first offer to BEL listeners that he's upping the ante. If you drive for a living, as a trucker, cabbie, bus driver, pilot, golfer (okay, that might be stretching it just a bit), pizza delivery, UPS, etc., your colleague Vic will send you at his expense a Focus on the Strategy II DVD if you are one of the first ten to call in! If you haven't seen this groundbreaking video, you owe it to yourself to call the BEL Studio at 303 463-7789 and ask for the Vic DVD Special! And if you're not a driver, then you'll want to click on the above link and get a copy regardless!
* John from Brighton: asks Bob to explain his position on BEL that it is morally acceptable in a just war to bomb as city, even though civilians and children will be killed in what is called "collateral damage."
* Paul from Woodlawn CO: says believes, as does Bob Enyart, that the future is open, and not closed. That is, that because God is free, and able, and has a will, and is creative, that the future is not eternally settled but forever open. Then Paul relates a question to Bob from those who reject Open Theism, who argue that if the future is not settled, then God could not be trusted to keep His promise to us. Bob answered that the Bible teaches that we should trust God because He is good, loving, and faithful, NOT because God has no choice in the matter because the future is settled, somehow taking away his will, freedom, and ability to be creative and dynamic. Such a belief ignores the repeated scriptural description of God as the Living God, and is a Christian capitulation to the static, utterly immutable God of Plato and Plotinus, as brought into Christianity by Augustine.
Today's Resource: Have you seen Bob Enyart's powerful Open Theism Seminar available on a three DVD set? Filmed before a live audience that included four Grace pastors (pastors Adam Briggs, Trent Cole, Michael McDowell, and Kevin Richeson), this beautiful DVD set captures Bob's wonderfully successful Open Theism seminar which established biblically that God is free and able to change the future, and that He is still our creative God, and therefore, the future cannot be settled, but must be open! Also, the 90 participants learned from Scripture that Love is more important than "all knowledge." That Righteousness is more important than power! And that Love is more important than prophecy! And that is why God cares more about repentance than the fulfillment of prophecy (see Jonah). And finally, that is why Jesus Christ could be worshipped, even as a child, even though He had humbled Himself and gave up much prophetic ability (Mark 13:32), and vast quantities of power and knowledge, yet He retained the biblical, qualitative attributes of God, which are that He is Living, Personal, Relational, Good, and Loving! Don't be mad at God! Because of the false pagan Greek teaching that Christians have adopted, that the future is settled (either as ordained by God, or regardless, as eternally unalterable), millions of Christians get mad at God when tragedy (or even boredom) strikes. See the sinful comments of typical Christians we've posted here on KGOV. And then realize, that solid Bible teaching, like in Bob Enyart's Open Theism Seminar, helps resolve endless problems, and empowers us to grow up in Christ, to have better relationships with loved ones and friends, and to be more effective in reaching others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
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