Colorado Pastors Debate the Earth's Age Pt. 2

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Colorado Pastors Debate the Earth's Age Pt. 2

This is the show from Thursday December 14th, 2006.


* Pastor John Stocker: from northern Colorado's largest church, Loveland's Resurrection Fellowship, concludes his discussion with Pastor Bob Enyart on the Age of the Earth, regarding the alleged big bang, the imagined "inflationary period," and CMB (cosmic microwave background), the background temperature of the universe.

Latest Update: Regarding Sen. Tim Johnson, Democratic leaders are now talking about respirators and even an iron lung if necessary... more ... Sen. Tim Johnson's stroke could halt the scheduled Democratic takeover of the Senate, since the South Dakota's governor would likely appoint a Republican replacement. If Johnson's health deteriorates, insiders say democratic party leaders, regardless of family wishes, are ready to stick intravenous needles and feeding tubes into him, and put him on a respirator, or in an iron lung if necessary, such that, they will make the battle to keep Terri Schiavo alive look like a softball game.

Today's Resources: Listen to our moderated Age of the Earth Debate between Bob Enyart and a high school science teacher, against a geophysicist and a university mathematician! You can listen to the debate, and by popping the CD into a PC, you can also view the spectacular science slides to help you understand the discussion!


New member
Jefferson said:
Latest Update: Regarding Sen. Tim Johnson, Democratic leaders are now talking about respirators and even an iron lung if necessary... more ... Sen. Tim Johnson's stroke could halt the scheduled Democratic takeover of the Senate, since the South Dakota's governor would likely appoint a Republican replacement. If Johnson's health deteriorates, insiders say democratic party leaders, regardless of family wishes, are ready to stick intravenous needles and feeding tubes into him, and put him on a respirator, or in an iron lung if necessary, such that, they will make the battle to keep Terri Schiavo alive look like a softball game.
Does Bob have actual names for these sources?


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I just got off the phone with Bob. It's just a joke.

However, what do you think the dems would do if Senator Johnson's health deteriorated into a Terri Schiavo-like situation? Do you think they would follow the wishes of his family and allow him to die? Or do you think they would do everything possible to keep him alive, even violating the Senator's own living will requesting that he be allowed to die? In other words, just how hypocritical do you think the dems would be on this issue?


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Who knows. This hypothetical is completely a pipe dream, anyway, and much as some would like to see the senator's health fail--come on; you guys are out there--it appears as though he's going to be just fine.


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Granite said:
Who knows.
I do. The dems would be hypocrites and listening to them spin their position would be GREAT entertainment.


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Jeff, there is no way to know for certain what their response would be and you can play along with Enyart's pipe dream all you want. It's pointless and looks like it won't happen. I wouldn't mind seeing themselves knock each other over and grandstand, either, but there is zero sense in being dogmatic about this. Call me a killjoy.

Frankly after the Schiavo thing I've had my fill of grandstanding, posturing, and limelight grubbers pushing themselves on a situation that doesn't involve them.


New member
Jefferson said:
I do. The dems would be hypocrites and listening to them spin their position would be GREAT entertainment.

The dems would, but I think Johnson is going to be okay


TOL Subscriber
Jefferson said:
regardless of family wishes, are ready to stick intravenous needles and feeding tubes into him, and put him on a respirator, or in an iron lung if necessary, such that, they will make the battle to keep Terri Schiavo alive look like a softball game.


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