CNN mystified why many Latinos voted Trump


Well-known member
"The bottom line is that they broke the law. When I came to this country, I came through the front door," Juan Torres, a Trump voter, told the CNNer.

"Do you think everyone should go through the front door as you say like you did?" the CNN correspondent asked.

"If you go to somebody's house, you go through the front door," he responded.

Answer is simple. Only racists vote for racists. So they're racists.


New member

Their kind are viewed as brown nosing sell outs by the majority of their own who have citizenship but who actually look at the history of immigration all the way back to when their distant cousins had their lands taken from them by more than just force, and by the very government that would now talk of "illegal aliens."

These issues are not as black and white as you would make them.

I've dealt with plenty their kind within various ethnicities - they actually look down their noses at their own ethnicity.

All ethnicities have their kind.

Some years ago, while doing business with some Italian Americans, I was sitting there in there office with the son, his little boy, the father, and the grandfather.

All of whom I'd gotten to know rather well.

I asked the son why their last name was not Italian.

He says to me he doesn't know; to ask his dad.

His dad tells me about how that when their family first came over; their was a lot if racism against Italians.

Lol - his son butts in "like the way we were against the Puerto Ricans!"

His dad gives him a dirty look.

The grandfather calls me over, asks me to sit down, taps me on my knee; asks me to lean in a little, and says words along the following - "I'm the one who changed our name; it used to be ____. I didn't want to be associated with our own...I lost some good friends...I regret that to this day...we were all wops, you know; papers or no my son - the big shot - thinks he is better than the others...I did this...I did this...I never lived it down...madon..."


New member
It's being estimated a million or so illegal voted for clinton. And it's estimated over 6 million are in queue for deportation. They are already sending 150 extra people to handle paperwork in texas. I may have read that wrong I will have to look up sources it's been a few days

Who is doing the estimating? What is their track record? Says who?

What source proven objective are they relying on?

I ask those kinds of questions.

Too many on here ever playing their same old favorite, ever self-deluded version of "objectivity."


New member

the real answer is your cherry picking from a very biased pollster, every other source indicates trump beat Romney's numbers in latinos. No way Trump could have beaten Hillary in Florida without a larger share of Latino vote in Florida. in fact Florida is one of the few places where Hillary got better numbers than Obama in 2012 but Trump still beat her. this pollster is still in denial that Hillary lost and his methodology is garbage

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's being estimated a million or so illegal voted for clinton. And it's estimated over 6 million are in queue for deportation. They are already sending 150 extra people to handle paperwork in texas. I may have read that wrong I will have to look up sources it's been a few days

Anybody coming over the border Illigally, ought to be sent back legally. Good for you President Trump.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That wall will be built if President Trump has to do it with his bare hands. That's how much I trust this new President. He received my vote, my prayers, and my uttermost respect.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Many followed Hillary blindly. To my way of thinking, she was another Jezebel and Bill Clinton was another Ahab. Had she received the Presidency I fear there would have been a war with Russia on the table, Obamacare would continue to financially burden the middle and lower middle-class citizens, and we would have suffered more of the same old, same old. It would have been a TRAVESTY!


New member


And you assert being a MAD.

Continually, and by your own hand, you limit the potential depth of your perception.

Within the various sciences - biology, forensics, astronomy - even dispensationalism - there are OBJECTIVE "kinds."

Sets of "kinds" within any given "whole."

But you and I do not look at "things" from within the same perspective.

Thus, your ever consistent pigeon-holing of various of my remarks as meaning how most use words like "kinds."

There is looking at a thing.

And then there is looking at how one is looking at a thing.

The higher of the two being the latter.

How often do you pause to ask yourself "what I am about to conclude/comment on, and or against - am I certain that is just nothing more than where I am looking at it from - what have I not considered, that I might do well to consider? And what else?"

This is why you ignorantly conclude I am some sort of a Jordan drone.

The reality?

I just happen to look at things in as in depth a manner as such an individual.

Other Mid-Acts based Pastor-Teachers are also like that. He is not the exception. He is just the sharpest.

I would suggest you start looking at how you look at things; asking the above kinds of questions.

You'll begin to see much in a thing than you even now continue to unnecessarily limit yourself to looking at things from (you DO have the potential aptitude).

Do so and you'll actually begin to see more in even a simple compliment given you than your current habit of seeing it as merely a means of goading the individual who gave you the compliment.

It is past time that you up your game (perception).

That iron might sharpen...iron.


New member
Many followed Hillary blindly. To my way of thinking, she was another Jezebel and Bill Clinton was another Ahab. Had she received the Presidency I fear there would have been a war with Russia on the table, Obamacare would continue to financially burden the middle and lower middle-class citizens, and we would have suffered more of the same old, same old. It would have been a TRAVESTY!

No, you blind incompetent - each side voted willfully blind going in.

Just as both sides have remained what you have continued to be - willfully blind.

But then again, I have already concluded you the fraud you are - Gross Nick.