CNN is the Anus of Cable News

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
As far as I am concerned, on the world of news, Fox News is the brain and CNN is the anus. (I hope it's okay to say "anus".) CNN has become nothing but a leftwing extremist propaganda machine, and the Faux Townhall they just had on guns is no different. Who agrees?

Did CNN Try To Stack The Deck On Gun Control Town Hall?

"When CNN announced they were hosting a town hall on the subject of guns, I think a lot of us knew it was going to be a trainwreck. The only real reason to watch was to see gun rights activist Dana Loesch in action. She, along with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, were there to represent the pro-gun side.

However, what actually happened was a farce. It was an anti-gun infomercial with only the thinnest veneer of impartiality......."

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Well-known member
If you think Fox is truly conservative you're fooling yourself. I quit watching around 2002. It only looks relatively conservative in contrast to the left and hard left alternatives.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If you think Fox is truly conservative you're fooling yourself. I quit watching around 2002. It only looks relatively conservative in contrast to the left and hard left alternatives.

It has suffered some blows for sure, but its still light years better than any other television news. And the addition of Laura Ingraham's own show was a great move. I also like The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton, and Tucker Carlson is good too.



As far as I am concerned, on the world of news, Fox News is the brain and CNN is the anus. (I hope it's okay to say "anus".) CNN has become nothing but a leftwing extremist propaganda machine, and the Faux Townhall they just had on guns is no different. Who agrees?

With every post "CatholicCrusader" sounds more like a "Russian bot" - and less like a Catholic!



CNN is the Anus of Cable News

Only on FOXNEWS would they portray white, male Christian millionaires and billionaires as the most persecuted group in America!

What does it say about conservative Christians in America who believe in a "literal" interpretation of the Bible, that they could conveniently ignore their core beliefs to support a Trump/FOXNEWS agenda!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
And speaking of Anus.....

......Only on FOXNEWS would they portray white, male Christian millionaires and billionaires as the most persecuted group in America.......

And only a half-witted imbecile would say that American Christians are comprised of white, male Christian millionaires and billionaires. Most American Christians are hard-working average Americans, something that you obviously know nothing about

The Barbarian

With every post "CatholicCrusader" sounds more like a "Russian bot" - and less like a Catholic![/QUOTE]

There area wide variety of political opinions among Catholics. Crusader is a rather unusual example, but he very well could be a Catholic who finds a few of the Church's doctrines to be objectionable.