This article is a good one. It shows just who the criminals are. When the FBI under Louis Freeh investigated Bill Clinton 120 witnesses either fled the country or pled the 5th amendment. Freeh compared the dearth available witnesses to his investigations of organized crime.
If former FBI Director James Comey believes he’s the first official to liken a president’s actions to that of the mafia, he would be sorely wrong. In Comey’s new book he says President Donald Trump worked for months to secure his loyalty through a series of meetings and phone calls during the transition period and compared the president to a mob boss, according to ABC News, which received an early copy of the book scheduled for release next week. The same happened to former President Bill Clinton. In fact, there was insurmountable evidence that came to light in the final weeks of Clinton’s 1996 campaign involving a Chinese fundraising scandal that plagued Clinton’s election and involved an FBI investigation, as well as Congressional hearings.