I am posting a link to an interview with Charles Ortel who spent quite a bit of time investigating the Clinton Foundation. Ortel is a very highly skilled financial analyst who is said to be a genius at analyzing all things related to finances. The interview is done by Greg Hunter of usawatchdog.com.
Ortel has documented a lot of ways in which the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton network of "charities" has failed to comply with the laws concerning charties and how they are required to operate by law. The number of violations places them clearly outside the law. At the following link are 10 or so pdf documents that you can download which go into how and why the Clinton network of charities is extra-legal. Ortel is clearly correct in his conclusions for he documents both the law and how these charites have failed to comply with the laws. I have downloaded and read more than half of them so far and Ortel's case is pretty tight.
Ortel has documented a lot of ways in which the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton network of "charities" has failed to comply with the laws concerning charties and how they are required to operate by law. The number of violations places them clearly outside the law. At the following link are 10 or so pdf documents that you can download which go into how and why the Clinton network of charities is extra-legal. Ortel is clearly correct in his conclusions for he documents both the law and how these charites have failed to comply with the laws. I have downloaded and read more than half of them so far and Ortel's case is pretty tight.