ECT Chuck Baldwin: Scofield Bible and Dispensationalism/Christian Zionism as False Religi

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"Chuck Baldwin: Scofield Bible and Dispensationalism/Christian Zionism as False Religion"

"I grew up in dispensationalism; I went to dispensationalist Bible colleges; and I taught dispensationalism for over thirty years. My very first Bible as an adult was a Scofield Reference Bible (which I still have). Some of the most well-known fundamentalist preachers of the twentieth century have their signatures in that Bible—men such as W.A. Criswell, B.R. Lakin, Tom Malone, John R. Rice, Monroe Parker, J. Vernon McGee, J. Harold Smith, Jack Hyles, Jerry Falwell, and others. My theological schooling was entirely rooted in dispensationalism.

However, after MUCH prayer and personal study, I am now convinced that dispensationalism is a huge Biblical heresy; that the modern Zionist State of Israel is NOT the fulfillment of ANY Biblical prophecy and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant; and that, instead, Zionism is perhaps Satan’s greatest tool to destroy America’s Christian culture and whatever vestiges remain of our constitutional system of government and the liberties enshrined in our Bill of Rights.'

Chuck Baldwin does not say here exactly why he has come to reject dispensationalism. He has more to say about his present view of dispensationalism in a video -

Baldwin says "I never searched the Bible independently and objectively for myself to discover the truth, but I used the scripture to try to justify what I was taught and what I believed." He added that what he believed about dispensationalism was what 'somebody had taught me.'

He says that after studying the Bible for several years in a more objective way that "Finally, I was able to put together a Biblical analysis of how the state of Israel relates, if at all, to scripture and what the Bible teaches about True Israel."

He says "Christ is not the foundation of their Eschatology or Theology, but Israel is."

"Their" is the Christian Zionists.


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"Chuck Baldwin: Scofield Bible and Dispensationalism/Christian Zionism as False Religion"

"I grew up in dispensationalism; I went to dispensationalist Bible colleges; and I taught dispensationalism for over thirty years. My very first Bible as an adult was a Scofield Reference Bible (which I still have). Some of the most well-known fundamentalist preachers of the twentieth century have their signatures in that Bible—men such as W.A. Criswell, B.R. Lakin, Tom Malone, John R. Rice, Monroe Parker, J. Vernon McGee, J. Harold Smith, Jack Hyles, Jerry Falwell, and others. My theological schooling was entirely rooted in dispensationalism.

However, after MUCH prayer and personal study, I am now convinced that dispensationalism is a huge Biblical heresy; that the modern Zionist State of Israel is NOT the fulfillment of ANY Biblical prophecy and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant; and that, instead, Zionism is perhaps Satan’s greatest tool to destroy America’s Christian culture and whatever vestiges remain of our constitutional system of government and the liberties enshrined in our Bill of Rights.'

Chuck Baldwin does not say here exactly why he has come to reject dispensationalism. He has more to say about his present view of dispensationalism in a video -

Baldwin says "I never searched the Bible independently and objectively for myself to discover the truth, but I used the scripture to try to justify what I was taught and what I believed." He added that what he believed about dispensationalism was what 'somebody had taught me.'

He says that after studying the Bible for several years in a more objective way that "Finally, I was able to put together a Biblical analysis of how the state of Israel relates, if at all, to scripture and what the Bible teaches about True Israel."

He says "Christ is not the foundation of their Eschatology or Theology, but Israel is."

"Their" is the Christian Zionists.

I believe he is right. What do you say?


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I have not read or listened to much of what Chuck Baldwin now says about dispensationalism. I was looking for a clear view of what Israel is in New Testament scripture, and scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments, on the transformation of Old Covenant Israel to that Israel of the New Testament. I still believe that Jeremiah 18: 1-6 is an Old Testament prophecy which says God was going to "remake" old Covenant or Physical Israel. And I still believe this prophecy of Jeremiah was fulfilled in that believing remnant of Old Covenant Israel Paul shows us in Romans 11: 1-5. And I think that what Paul means by "the Israel of God" in Galatians 6: 15-16 refers to everyone who is a believer, and has been changed by the Gospel of Christ into a new creature or creation, and this elect group is not to be divided by that which is physical or race.


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This is flame bait. Yes you can argue against Dispensationalism and Zionism but avoid flame baiting terms such as 'cult' and 'satanic'
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