Christian nation goes the way of Satan

Yeh, I know, hardly a newsflash, right? But I just thought I would ruminate here, and grieve the loss of what was once a great nation. It was a nice idea while it lasted.

The US was founded on Christian principles. It doesn’t look like it will end that way.

The original settlers came from England to flee religious prosecution. Then after a war for freedom, the Christian Founders put together a beautiful document called the US Constitution, along w/ the Declaration of Independence. And they had a wonderful idea of how a nation would be/could be/should be. But alas, they apparently weren’t farsighted enough to see what could/would happen when evil men came to power, as they should have known would one day happen, when the People themselves allowed those evil ones to do just that-- because the People were corrupt themselves.

The People forgot about Jesus. Jesus is too hard to follow, they said. We want Easy, no crosses for us. Don’t tell us to pick up our cross Jesus, and carry it because that is just ridiculous to us.

They ditched you, Jesus because You had the nerve to tell them that to be saved involves sacrifice. You had the gall to tell them to obey those really OLD 10 Commandments. They preferred to listen to the lawless one who divided the Church, Luther. They know better than you, Jesus. They believe in “progress,” & so should You, which of course means freedom from truth, but hey, truth never made anyone rich or famous. And because of that decision, they got used to prosperity and comfort and an easy life, and with that, they got used to having a corrupt ruler.

So now we have 2016 and find ourselves with a choice of candidates (ha ha, CHOICE of candidates—there’s a joke for ya), one of whom is a criminal (failed to protect top secret government documents, lied about it.. and everything else) and the other candidate who is… SURPRISE (!) also a criminal (failed to pay workers their wages, fined $1 million in court for conspiracy to hire illegals.. allegedly in business with the mob, denied knowing the one-time KKK grand wizard, etc..).

Shouldn’t the Constitution be changed to say that if you have committed a recent crime, you shouldn’t be allowed to run for president?

All this just says it all concerning where this country is. This election just says it ALL

But you know… There IS something, just ONE thing that gives me hope:

65% of Americans, on the Republican side, have NOT voted for the criminal (liar, win-at-any-cost) candidate. Yes, that 65% figure gives me hope. Although, even that hope may disappear soon because so-called Christians are too lazy and/or selfish to go out and vote to stop the criminal from becoming their leader. I’m sure those who don’t vote will be sorry soon enough

And because no one wants to drop out of the race, we are stuck with the criminal (liar, hater).

So much for being willing to “die for your country” Maybe only veterans of wars should be allowed to run for president… They understand sacrifice.



Well-known member

Yeh, I know, hardly a newsflash, right? But I just thought I would ruminate here, and grieve the loss of what was once a great nation. It was a nice idea while it lasted.

The US was founded on Christian principles. It doesn’t look like it will end that way.

The original settlers came from England to flee religious prosecution. Then after a war for freedom, the Christian Founders put together a beautiful document called the US Constitution, along w/ the Declaration of Independence. And they had a wonderful idea of how a nation would be/could be/should be. But alas, they apparently weren’t farsighted enough to see what could/would happen when evil men came to power, as they should have known would one day happen, when the People themselves allowed those evil ones to do just that-- because the People were corrupt themselves.

The People forgot about Jesus. Jesus is too hard to follow, they said. We want Easy, no crosses for us. Don’t tell us to pick up our cross Jesus, and carry it because that is just ridiculous to us.

They ditched you, Jesus because You had the nerve to tell them that to be saved involves sacrifice. You had the gall to tell them to obey those really OLD 10 Commandments. They preferred to listen to the lawless one who divided the Church, Luther. They know better than you, Jesus. They believe in “progress,” & so should You, which of course means freedom from truth, but hey, truth never made anyone rich or famous. And because of that decision, they got used to prosperity and comfort and an easy life, and with that, they got used to having a corrupt ruler.

So now we have 2016 and find ourselves with a choice of candidates (ha ha, CHOICE of candidates—there’s a joke for ya), one of whom is a criminal (failed to protect top secret government documents, lied about it.. and everything else) and the other candidate who is… SURPRISE (!) also a criminal (failed to pay workers their wages, fined $1 million in court for conspiracy to hire illegals.. allegedly in business with the mob, denied knowing the one-time KKK grand wizard, etc..).

Shouldn’t the Constitution be changed to say that if you have committed a recent crime, you shouldn’t be allowed to run for president?

All this just says it all concerning where this country is. This election just says it ALL

But you know… There IS something, just ONE thing that gives me hope:

65% of Americans, on the Republican side, have NOT voted for the criminal (liar, win-at-any-cost) candidate. Yes, that 65% figure gives me hope. Although, even that hope may disappear soon because so-called Christians are too lazy and/or selfish to go out and vote to stop the criminal from becoming their leader. I’m sure those who don’t vote will be sorry soon enough

And because no one wants to drop out of the race, we are stuck with the criminal (liar, hater).

So much for being willing to “die for your country” Maybe only veterans of wars should be allowed to run for president… They understand sacrifice.

America was never founded as a Christian nation. 1: A nation cannot believe only individuals can and 2: It was firmly founded on Enlightenment princeiples.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
as that one author says, T went beyond mere casual connections. But if you want to defend this monster, that is your choice

“‘Trump: The Deals and the Downfall,’ by Wayne Barrett,


if you wanna do anything in real estate or construction in NYC, you pretty much have to make deals with the mob

same thing in Jersey and Philly
if you wanna do anything in real estate or construction in NYC, you pretty much have to make deals with the mob

same thing in Jersey and Philly

that is not true.

And when u have as much money as dt, you don't HAVE to do business in NY. You could have your business anywhere.. like in a place where you don't have to sell your soul to have a business

gee, what a thought.. hmmmm:think:
any nation that would have DT .. where he is

is really sick. But again, 65% (in some places FAR more than that) voted NON-Trump! :)

yay, America! Love you for that 65% thing :)


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
They ditched you, Jesus because You had the nerve to tell them that to be saved involves sacrifice. You had the gall to tell them to obey those really OLD 10 Commandments.

I especially like this:

Exodus 20
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Do you bow down to images made by hands?