Christian Cinema puts a John Lennon bio in top 10 Christian viewing


Well-known member
I hope I have misunderstood, but a site with Christian films for rent called Christian Cinema has put a John Lennon bio in the top 10 Christian viewing list for this month!

One comment back about this at the site already blasted them out of the water.

They seemed to think that it was supremely evil for the assailant to gun him down to gain a few headlines and thought that was worth listing this film GENIUS along side IS GENESIS HISTORY? and PRICELESS.

Another inexplicable thing about this is that it is a 2012 release.

All you have to do says the destructive comment, is read the lyrics of 'Imagine.' With your head on, of course. And the commenter added several other juicy details.


New member
I hope I have misunderstood, but a site with Christian films for rent called Christian Cinema has put a John Lennon bio in the top 10 Christian viewing list for this month!

One comment back about this at the site already blasted them out of the water.

They seemed to think that it was supremely evil for the assailant to gun him down to gain a few headlines and thought that was worth listing this film GENIUS along side IS GENESIS HISTORY? and PRICELESS.

Another inexplicable thing about this is that it is a 2012 release.

All you have to do says the destructive comment, is read the lyrics of 'Imagine.' With your head on, of course. And the commenter added several other juicy details.

What's your beef with the error of "the wisdom of this world" that had also been John Lennon 's "Imagine" - his is no different from your exact same practice of turning into allegory much in Scripture that is literal.

Case in point out of many of your exact same errors, for all to see on here that yours is Lennon's same exact practice: the following is literal, it is not your error that it is metaphor...

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; 3:20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: 3:21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.