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Matthews: ‘A Little Late to Stop’ Sanders in Primary – GOP Will ‘Kill Him’
During MSNBC’s Nevada caucus coverage on Saturday, host Chris Matthews stated that 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will win the Democratic nomination unless there is some shift in the race, but “it’s a little late to stop him,” and that there is “so much” opposition research on Sanders and Republicans will “kill him.”
Matthews said, “It looks like Bernie Sanders is hard to beat right now. I’m with Carville all the way in terms of the dangers of what lurks — what lies ahead in November. I’m very much aware of them. They’re sitting on so much oppo research on Bernie, what he said in the past about world affairs, how far left he is. I’m not sure how far left he is, but they’re going to make the most of that in terms of world politics. They’re going to kill him.”
During MSNBC’s Nevada caucus coverage on Saturday, host Chris Matthews stated that 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will win the Democratic nomination unless there is some shift in the race, but “it’s a little late to stop him,” and that there is “so much” opposition research on Sanders and Republicans will “kill him.”
Matthews said, “It looks like Bernie Sanders is hard to beat right now. I’m with Carville all the way in terms of the dangers of what lurks — what lies ahead in November. I’m very much aware of them. They’re sitting on so much oppo research on Bernie, what he said in the past about world affairs, how far left he is. I’m not sure how far left he is, but they’re going to make the most of that in terms of world politics. They’re going to kill him.”