That's because I have exposed your false claim, and your false belief system (Dispensationalism).
Darby followers such as yourself hate me because I expose the lie that Dispensationalism is.
Nobody can defend the lie (Dispensationalism).
If I'm wrong, then I challenge any Dispy to defend Danoh's claim (since he has failed to do so):
Bring it on Darby followers !!!!
Must be why I shunned responding to Jerry's (your exact) narcissism, by not
supporting him in any way, shape or form, on some of those points of his that I had actually agreed with him on that differ with those of STP's and heir's but that Jerry was ever atttempting to bait all MADs into a fight over; that his vanity might some how perhaps relieve him of his own nonsense if he could somehow release it on others.
As with yours, the guy's EVERY post always had that foul odor of sulfer.
As if you and he are out to make other's lives a purgatory for whatever this mental illness of yours is that so compels you to post just one more baiting attempt...just one more...
I signed up on TOL in hopes of exploring both same and different understandings with others.
I don't care who that is with.
One of those on my "friends" is Totten - a Post Tribber.
But you are Jerry Shugart's twin - a hypocrite whose sole interest is in baiting others into a fight with you over your Preterist nonsense, no matter what or how they answer you.
Try that in real life with the same people a few times, you internet coward; see how long you keep your teeth.
I don't see Ivan the Tall chasing MADs all day long in this asinine Jerry Shugart baiting into a fight manner of yours.
I don't see I Am A Berean doing that.
Nor Interplanner, or any other Preterist.
Only you - the Jerry Shugart loser twin of the town known as TOL; ever out to start the same old nonsense like some poorly made Old Western TV show repeated day in and day out.
Hah - that's you! A day after day, after day, after day, after day - enough already! - same old, tired, I On Television repeat - one that should never have been allowed air time to begin with; it's so bad.
I On Tel-a-lie :rotfl: