Challenge to all tongues talkers


Well-known member
This is in response to the challenge laid down by AndyC. It's very simple.

1. Record yourself, audio or video, "speaking in tongues." If you do video, feel free to disguise your face if you like.

2. Post the video online at Youtube or wherever you like.

3. Post a link here.

4. If you're one of those who believes you can interpret your own tongues, do so. Post text along with your link of what your tongues said.

At that point, I will contact someone with linguistic experience who will narrow down as close as possible which general language family you spoke in. From there, I will chase down getting a translation of what you said. We'll see if it matches your self-translation.

If you can speak in an identifiable human language that BEFORE GOD you will affirm that you never studied or learned before, you will have gone a long way toward proving the pentecostal era gift of tongues is still used by God. And if you should happen to lie about it -- speaking in a language you did study but pass it off as miraculous -- then you're a liar and you know what will happen to you.

All you need is a mic on your computer, then upload the audio or video to Youtube or somewhere.

AndyC will not accept this challenge. Will someone else?

Tongues are a sign for unbelievers, Paul said (1 Cor 14:22). Many of us do not believe tongues are for today, so you may as well consider us unbelievers in that respect.

That means your gift...which is actually God's gift, not intended especially for US.

So let us see it.

What you got to lose?


This is in response to the challenge laid down by AndyC. It's very simple.

1. Record yourself, audio or video, "speaking in tongues." If you do video, feel free to disguise your face if you like.

2. Post the video online at Youtube or wherever you like.

3. Post a link here.

4. If you're one of those who believes you can interpret your own tongues, do so. Post text along with your link of what your tongues said.

At that point, I will contact someone with linguistic experience who will narrow down as close as possible which general language family you spoke in. From there, I will chase down getting a translation of what you said. We'll see if it matches your self-translation.

If you can speak in an identifiable human language that BEFORE GOD you will affirm that you never studied or learned before, you will have gone a long way toward proving the pentecostal era gift of tongues is still used by God. And if you should happen to lie about it -- speaking in a language you did study but pass it off as miraculous -- then you're a liar and you know what will happen to you.

All you need is a mic on your computer, then upload the audio or video to Youtube or somewhere.

AndyC will not accept this challenge. Will someone else?

Tongues are a sign for unbelievers, Paul said (1 Cor 14:22). Many of us do not believe tongues are for today, so you may as well consider us unbelievers in that respect.

That means your gift...which is actually God's gift, not intended especially for US.

So let us see it.

What you got to lose?

Jud 18 :burnlib:

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I like you Musterion. But whether a person speaks in tongues or not is not your business. I pray in tongues but don't broadcast it. I do not believe that it is a point important enough to cause division in the body of Christ


Well-known member
Addendum to the OP.

If you speak in tongues and know someone who has the "gift of interpretation," have them interpret what you say, and post that. We'll check them out too. I don't think God will mind (1 Thess 5:21). ;)


Well-known member
I like you Musterion. But whether a person speaks in tongues or not is not your business. I pray in tongues but don't broadcast it. I do not believe that it is a point important enough to cause division in the body of Christ

I like you too, brother, but are not tongues for edifying the Body? I hear that from charistmatics all the time. Is it not true?

Are not tongues a sign for unbelievers? Paul said so. Several of us are unbelievers in the sense that N.T. tongues are for today. Okay, so...prove us wrong.

Forgive my bluntness here, brother, but there's nothing divisive about proving God has enabled you to do what you say He has.

With God as my witness, if I believed I had that gift, demonstrating it would only be glorifying to Him, because it's HIS, not mine. Don't you agree?


New member
I like you too, brother, but are not tongues for edifying the Body? I hear that from charistmatics all the time. Is it not true?

Are not tongues a sign for unbelievers? Paul said so. Several of us are unbelievers in the sense that N.T. tongues are for today. Okay, so...prove us wrong.

Forgive my bluntness here, brother, but there's nothing divisive about proving God has enabled you to do what you say He has.

With God as my witness, if I believed I had that gift, demonstrating it would only be glorifying to Him, because it's HIS, not mine. Don't you agree?



Well-known member
Tongues needed to be seen by former followers of Judaism to realize that the messianic age of the Gospel--and spreading the gospel--was here. I Cor 14: even after trying to accommodate what was going on in Corinth, which was one isolated case, Paul still quotes the Isaiah passage about it being evidence to Jews about the Gospel age. He is not interested in the subjectivity of Corinthian tongues but tries to get back to this.

The goal was not to get people to do it, or "experience" it, but for Jews to see it happen where needed as a finalized sign of worldwide outreach. That's why it happens in cases that emphasize the Gentiles hearing the message.

It is another phenomenon that the destiny of Israel was here in Christ: to be missionaries of the Gospel of Christ all over the world. This was in addition to the direct hit teaching by the apostles that this was the case.


Well-known member
Tongues needed to be seen by former followers of Judaism to realize that the messianic age of the Gospel--and spreading the gospel--was here. I Cor 14: even after trying to accommodate what was going on in Corinth, which was one isolated case, Paul still quotes the Isaiah passage about it being evidence to Jews about the Gospel age. He is not interested in the subjectivity of Corinthian tongues but tries to get back to this.

The goal was not to get people to do it, or "experience" it, but for Jews to see it happen where needed as a finalized sign of worldwide outreach. That's why it happens in cases that emphasize the Gentiles hearing the message.

It is another phenomenon that the destiny of Israel was here in Christ: to be missionaries of the Gospel of Christ all over the world. This was in addition to the direct hit teaching by the apostles that this was the case.

Pretty much.


New member
Tongues needed to be seen by former followers of Judaism to realize that the messianic age of the Gospel--and spreading the gospel--was here. I Cor 14: even after trying to accommodate what was going on in Corinth, which was one isolated case, Paul still quotes the Isaiah passage about it being evidence to Jews about the Gospel age. He is not interested in the subjectivity of Corinthian tongues but tries to get back to this.

The goal was not to get people to do it, or "experience" it, but for Jews to see it happen where needed as a finalized sign of worldwide outreach. That's why it happens in cases that emphasize the Gentiles hearing the message.

It is another phenomenon that the destiny of Israel was here in Christ: to be missionaries of the Gospel of Christ all over the world. This was in addition to the direct hit teaching by the apostles that this was the case.

I do not hold to tongues...

But your above is nothing more than your often reasoning ABOUT a thing INTO it, once more.

You remain clueless due to your reasoning ABOUT a thing...