Catastrophic Plate Tectonics continues to raise its profile


Well-known member
The 15 min daily radio program Science, Scripture and Salvation is on CPT this week. CPT = catastrophic plate techtonics. Dr. John Baumgartner is probably the foremost spox on this, with a sim video of the event. This event, not 'rain', is regarded as the deluge referred to in Gen 6, although there was rain as a by-product of all forces at work in the event. It deserves to be a separate thread.

I'm not saying that being on that program is raising the profile, but that the total message of this event as an explanation for current geo-morphology, climate, for the ancient ice age and the 10K mammoths 'frozen in time' preserved in 'loess' (wind-blasted sand-snow) etc., is stronger by the month.