Eight months ago, during the 2016 Presidential Campaign, Candidate Trump stated that "I love WikiLeaks!"
Candidate Trump was unconcerned that the emails from the confidential files of the Democratic National Convention were illegally hacked, 17 American intelligence agencies agreed that it was part of a Russian conspiracy to influence the election or that there was nobody to authenticate that they were even true!
Fast forward to the present - President Trump is now incensed that his Administration including the White House," is "leaking like a sieve!"
- "The Donald" falsely accused President Obama of ordering that he be "wiretapped" at Trump Towers!
- this President attempted to solicit Former FBI Director's co-operation in jailing reporters for using their "leaks" as sources!
- the Homeland Security Director recently characterized these "sources" and the reporters who use them as guilty of "treason!"
- President Trump continues to defend his ill-advised decision to revealed confidential Israeli intelligence concerning ISIS methods to the Russian ambassador and Foreign Relations Secretary in the Oval Office!
"Leaks" are a fact of life in any Administration, but given that Candidate Trump had no moral reservations about exploiting "WikiLeaks" to his advantage, "what goes around, comes around!"
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