Can Trump be indicted before leaving office?

The Barbarian

Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

Many legal scholars doubt a U.S. vs. Trump case is possible, but two attorneys who have dealt with special counsel Robert Mueller's team disagree. One expects Mueller to move as early as this spring.

The lawyer who said he would “bet” against Trump said he thinks Mueller could wrap up his case soon, potentially with an indictment, to avoid acting too close to this fall’s midterm elections.

“If he’s going to do it, I think he’ll do it in the spring,” the attorney said. “I don’t think he wants to be accused of trying to influence the election that dramatically.”

On Capitol Hill, several Democrats said they believe Mueller has the authority to file charges against Trump but questioned whether he actually would.

"I think that it’s far more likely if the special counsel finds evidence of criminality ... that it’s presented in a report to Congress," said Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee.

Schiff said Mueller would likely have steep reservations about the notion that "12 jurors in some part of the country should decide the fate of the republic."

In addition, Schiff said a federal judge might stay any criminal proceedings until after Trump’s presidency.

No one knows for sure if Trump was criminally involved yet. Mueller may not yet know for sure. If he doesn't, he will before long.


Given That Trump's legal advisers UNANIMOUSLY believe Trump will incriminate himself AND get caught lying, hence they do not want him to go live before Mueller ( or any other real life event), Trump's options are:

1. Hang on a long as possible in office and front out obstruction of justice with a load of spin. I.e lose what little credibility he has in the world.

2. Claim diminished responsibility, a symptom of which is compulsive lying.

Wonder if Kim Jong-Um believes Trump has a bigger knob, oops, I meant button.