Can Kent Alterman Get a Witness?

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Can Kent Alterman Get a Witness?

This is the show from Thursday May 6th, 2010.

Ponder this question: What is it you have heard that Jesus Christ said, what is it you have heard He did, what is it you have read that leads you to believe Jesus Christ is unworthy of your trust?


* Doug McBurney sits in for Bob and volunteers to be a witness in the future judgment of Kent Alterman of Comedy Central. Alterman attempts to justify his blasphemy of Jesus Christ in the new show "J.C.".

* Planned Parenthood of the Heartland not only murders unborn babies, they cheat and steal while committing their atrocities.

* The stock market plunges, but CNBC claims it was just a computer error?

* A Washington man murders two women and two children then pleads for mercy.

* Please Help BEL: Bob Enyart Live continues the battle to keep broadcasting on KLTT Radio. If you listen in Denver, (or anywhere else) call the station and encourage them keep Bob on the air! Then subscribe to one of Bob’s monthly resources or make a donation to do your part to preserve Godly Truth on the radio.

Personhood is the most important human rights movement of your lifetime. Will you be one who fights to end the systematic dehumanization and murder of an entire class of citizen? Or will you stay in your comfort zone? If you live in any state in America, you can advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways. If you live in Colorado join by calling or e-mailing Personhood Colorado or Colorado Right to Life.

Today’s Resource: Have you listened to the "Plot Boys" yet? In this audio series, Bob teaches through his book "The Plot" along with young Stephen Sutherland and Josh Craddock. The teaching is presented in a way that kids can readily understand, yet it is is also a valuable resource for adults to learn the plot of the bible.
Order the three mp3-CD set today!


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Jesus' followers usually do the trick.

If I were to shop at Wal-Mart and an employee was very rude to me, should I blame Wal-Mart or the employee?

Non-Christians love to use Christians as the reason why they don't believe. You have to understand, Christians are fallible human beings who make mistakes.

To use Christians as an excuse to reject Christ is childish and it shows that you don't have your eyes on the right figure. You will always be let down if you have your focus or hope on a fallible human being.

The most honest, caring, loving, giving, generous, etc... person is still prone to mistakes. If you want to continue to use people as a reason to reject Christ, then I expect you are the same person who would sue Wal-Mart because a cashier was rude to you.


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If I were to shop at Wal-Mart and an employee was very rude to me, should I blame Wal-Mart or the employee?

Not a perfect analogy, but I see what you're saying. I'd blame both: the company for not training the employee properly, and the employee for not taking the time to actually do his or her job. (I'd also not shop at Wal-Mart, but, hey, I digress.)

Non-Christians love to use Christians as the reason why they don't believe.

...and Christians hate any kind of criticism, especially from non-believers, even when it's called for. The behavior of other Christians isn't the only reason I disbelieve, but it certainly doesn't help things. For what it's worth, the behavior of other Christians didn't factor into my own deconversion, and simply served to reinforce what I already knew. Believe me, it still does. Christianity's worst enemy is its own adherents.

You have to understand, Christians are fallible human beings who make mistakes.

Gee. You mean you guys are like everybody else? Who woulda thunk it?:doh:

To use Christians as an excuse to reject Christ is childish and it shows that you don't have your eyes on the right figure.

Well you people are all that we have. The Christ of the gospels is a contradictory extremely subjective figure, and considering I'm not convinced such an individual even existed, what we're left with is the example and lifestyles of those who carry Christ's name. The behavior of Christians is often at odds with what they say, and what they claim Christ did and said. Period. Given the madhouse of sects, denominations, movements, leaders, ministers, spokesmen, authors, prophets, and sages, it's no small wonder that skeptics reject the Tower of Christian Babel and make their own way.

You will always be let down if you have your focus or hope on a fallible human being.

Maybe yes, maybe no.

The most honest, caring, loving, giving, generous, etc... person is still prone to mistakes

Are you saying salvation's ineffectual? That I shouldn't expect Christians to act differently because, hey, you guys are human? That being saved doesn't change how you act, assuming it changes anything at all? If so, you're setting expectations incredibly low. (And once again: if you're like everyone else, why the world should anyone consider conversion? Oh, right, I forgot: because if we don't, we'll be hurt one day. A lot. Convenient.)

f you want to continue to use people as a reason to reject Christ, then I expect you are the same person who would sue Wal-Mart because a cashier was rude to you.

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