I wrote this.Who writes your questions
What is the method of death for a murderer according to the Torah, Bible?A Christian can be an executioner, prison guard, policeman, prosecutoror even a judge:
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: for he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
The Bible says we are to subject the power of our government, so the method our government chooses is what we have. Should you like to start a campaign to get your state to begin stoning those subject to capital punishment that's on you. I don't mind someone in my state being electrocuted if their crime calls for it. Alton Coleman was cooked in Ohio, but we never should have let go of Debra Brown.What is the method of death for a murderer according to the Torah, Bible?
If we have forgiveness for sin in Jesus Christ, what does that say for capital punishment?
Okay.The Bible says we are to subject the power of our government, so the method our government chooses is what we have. Should you like to start a campaign to get your state to begin stoning those subject to capital punishment that's on you. I don't mind someone in my state being electrocuted if their crime calls for it. Alton Coleman was cooked in Ohio, but we never should have let go of Debra Brown.
Paul said that we know that no murderer has any place in eternal life and he also agreed that homosexuals deserve death. I concur.
:idunno::execute:For murder there are different kinds of murder, there are cities of refuge, there is a judge, and there is family from whence comes the person who puts the murderer to death. Must this be unintentional and was there ever stoning? By method I mean a family member putting the murderer to death, but still a judge.
If a person kills someone unintentionally, they can flee to a city of refuge.:idunno::execute:
Okay. Some things in life require becoming educated about them. Is there anything that I have been unclear about?A 'city of refuge' doesn't exist in the USA and I have no idea what you're talking about.
There are a lot of things that you and I do not know. But I am sorry if I have been the cause of that.Every post of yours I've ever read has been more confusing than anything else. Most times when I read one of your posts I can feel my intelligence devolve.
A prosecutor should not bear false witness. No one should. A prosecutor has a legal responsibility to uphold the law, to tell the truth. This means that their profession requires this of them.Prosecutors bear false witness, as they don't have any interest in the innocence but rather the guilt of a person.
It doesn't matter who the person is if they have done something wrong.The most holy person in the world could be charged with something and a prosecutor is supposed to do anything in their legal power to convince others they are guilty.
Interesting opinion or perspective.So no, a Christian cannot be a prosecutor.
It makes sense that if someone has done something wrong they would be tried for it, I think. Can a person be forgiven without the law coming into play?We have a judicial system that lost it's moral compass a long time ago when the measure of success for the people in it became about how many and how long they can make criminals out of others.
I would dare say that is all the more reason for a Christian to become a prosecutor. If someone who's in an office who has morals (beyond PC ethics) we'd have a much better system where the State only seeks to prosecute those whom the evidence shows are guilty beyond the shadow of doubt. I believe that the scales of justice are designed to be a measure of guilt or innocence based solely upon the evidence, not upon legal antics in a courtroom; for example: "If the gloves don't fit: you must acquit."
There certainly are times where charges don't need to be brought, such as someone shooting a robber inside their home; but yes, violations of the law need prosecution but we also need to consider all circumstances when bringing charges before a court of law.Good thoughts. I think these are good thoughts that you have. Thank you.
Should anyone and everyone who has done something wrong be prosecuted?
There certainly are times where charges don't need to be brought, such as someone shooting a robber inside their home; but yes, violations of the law need prosecution but we also need to consider all circumstances when bringing charges before a court of law.
Such as what?
... such as: a man running in front of a speeding truck to commit suicide (it happened to one of my customers and he was jailed, license suspended and it took almost eight months to get cleared of all charges, even though the man who committed suicide had been treated for mental illness and had several suicide attempts.There certainly are times where charges don't need to be brought, such as someone shooting a robber inside their home; but yes, violations of the law need prosecution but we also need to consider all circumstances when bringing charges before a court of law.