Calvinists Despise Logic


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Here is a neat little syllogism:

Major Premise: Every person who has never believed the gospel is a person who has never been saved,

Minor Premise: Every person who has never believed Calvinism is a person who has never believed the gospel,


Conclusion: Every person who has never believed Calvinism is a person who has never been saved.

Calvinism hucksters utterly ABHOR this syllogism. Why?

It being a valid argument of exactly the same form as the following syllogism,

Major Premise: All men are mortal,

Minor Premise: Socrates is a man,


Conclusion: Socrates is mortal,

it follows that, so long as both the premises are true, the conclusion MUST be true. And, they hate the thought of that conclusion being true! For some reason, they love their hypocritical ecumenism very much! They choose ecumenism over what they consider to be truth!

Before they are confronted with this syllogism, they are quite eager to go about quoting Charles Spurgeon, where he claimed that "Calvinism is the gospel".

But, after you have confronted them with it, just sit back and watch them make complete clowns of themselves trying to hand you ream after ream of gobbledygook in an effort to make that Spurgeon quote disappear, or at least to somehow make it mean that Calvinism is NOT the gospel, after all! Watch them trying to squirm away from the light you've shined on their irrationality by directing you to go read something else, and forget about bothering them with objections they can't possibly answer: Go read the entire works of John Calvin, Augustine, John Owen, Francis Turretin, William Perkins, Jonathan Edwards, Robert Dabney, Raynard G. T. McCorkland, IV., Charles Hodge, and A. W. Pink, and only then, when you've read all that, and have understood it all, memorized it all, assimilated it all--only then are you allowed to ask a Calvinism huckster to try to deal with this sweet, little syllogism. They want to bury YOU under 20'-tall stacks of 1,000-page "treatises", not to mention drown you in endless streams of internet forum ravings, all because THEY, themselves, cannot--and refuse even to try to--think on their own feet. They know that, against this syllogism, they have nothing--absolutely nothing.

You just watch as these Calvinism hucksters suddenly have absolutely no idea what they have been meaning all along when they have been saying and writing the word 'Calvinism', and watch as they straightaway become just as inarticulate and fuzzy as they become banally prolix and transparently pretentious! Watch them suddenly become masterful imitators of Slick Willy, trying to find ways to balk at the copula, 'is', of the syllogism's propositions. It's astonishing, the dishonesty you will be met with by some who name the name of Christ when you bring this syllogism to their attention.

See, what they really want to get away with is their hypocrisy of saying that some non-Calvinists are saved, and this syllogism (COPY IT AND KEEP IT HANDY!) reminds them that, indeed, they are hypocrites--and pure irrationalists--for saying so, so long as they assent to the two premises of this syllogism!

Calvinism hucksters want to call people their brethren in Christ--their fellow evangelicals, gospellers--who do not believe what Calvinism hucksters call "the gospel"! How can people who do not believe the gospel rationally be called "evangelical"?

Calvinism hucksters want to call people their brethren in Christ--their fellow evangelicals, gospellers--who believe what Calvinism hucksters call "a false gospel"! How can people who believe a false gospel rationally be called "evangelical"?

What Calvinism hucksters are trying to do is pure hypocrisy.