Calls About Our Immoral Christian Leaders

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Calls About Our Immoral Christian Leaders

Friday January 20th, 2006. This is show # 15.

The apostle Peter, his life was at stake. And he said we must obey God rather than men. And now we have people sitting in their beautiful offices doing interviews and their life is not at stake but it's the lives of children who are at stake. And they say, "You know what? We must obey the constitution rather than God because our legal process trumps God's revelation that thou shall not murder.


New member
Nothing in the Constitution says "thou shalt murder".

I'm sorry...but this is where the argument really breaks down. The constitution limits what government can do. It is the rights of the government...that the people have granted to the government. Not the other way around.


The Dark Knight
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But, logos_x, it is the wicked people who have granted this power to the government. For the majority is wicked, and this land is majority rule. Guess what that makes this land.


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Lighthouse said:
But, logos_x, it is the wicked people who have granted this power to the government. For the majority is wicked, and this land is majority rule. Guess what that makes this land.

What power was granted the government? Is the government forcing women to have abortions?
Women have the right, still, to exercise their own conscience.
What was not granted the government was the right to force a particular descision one way or the other.

Understand...I hate abortion. I'm merely pointing out where this line of argument ...that the law is a wicked law... breaks down.


The Dark Knight
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It is a wicked law. Because any law that allows for innocents to be killed is a wicked law, period. And I can not bow to the whim of the Supreme Court, just because they deemed an unborn child to not be a human being, and therefore stripped them of their right to life by saying women have the right to take that life. I can not just sit back and accept that it's the law and leave it be. Abortion kills. And not just the child. Many times women have died during, or as a result of the operation. It is wicked, and should not be allowed. And, as the Bible says, "There is none righteous, no not one." This shows me that majority rule is bound to be wicked, because the majority is wicked. Democracy is a failure.
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