Breitbart: LGBTQ flag provoked Chattanooga attack


New member
Did the gay rainbow flag provoke Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the 24 year-old naturalized American citizen born in Kuwait who murdered four Marines and a Sailor Thursday, to commit his heinous crime?

Abdulazeez, who was shot and killed by police Thursday, was a devout Muslim. And one thing we know about devout Muslims is that many vehemently oppose same sex marriage and consider homosexuality a sin.

Back In May, two mad dog Muslims attempted to murder everyone at a free speech event in Texas. Because good guys with guns were present, only the terrorists were killed.

Nevertheless, the media claimed that the Draw Muhammad Cartoon Contest and its organizer Pam Geller provoked the attack.

For weeks, both Geller and satiric free speech were blasted in the media for offending the Muslim faith and by extension causing a terror attack.

Just last month, a mad dog racist murdered nine innocent people in a South Carolina church. For weeks, the mainstream media blamed a flag — for weeks the media coordinated a shaming campaign against what many see as a symbol of hate and oppression.

The gay rainbow flag is seen by many Christians as a symbol of hate and oppression — and for good reason. Under that banner, there has been an all-out assault by the media and the Left against our religious freedoms. Under that banner, on the same day of the Chattanooga terror attack, a Jewish man was physically threatened in person and on social media by Inside Edition’s Zoey Tur, a man who identifies as a woman.

Moreover, the defiant act of flying of the gay rainbow flag, especially in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling that legalized same sex marriage in all 50 states, is undoubtedly offensive to devout Muslims, and therefore provocative.

It is time to shame and marginalize the gay rainbow flag — this offensive, provocative symbol of hate and oppression must be tossed on the ash bin of history…

Before it kills again.


New member
Did the gay rainbow flag provoke Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the 24 year-old naturalized American citizen born in Kuwait who murdered four Marines and a Sailor Thursday, to commit his heinous crime?

Seems unlikely, but a convenient scapegoat if you feel you need one.

Abdulazeez, who was shot and killed by police Thursday, was a devout Muslim. And one thing we know about devout Muslims is that many vehemently oppose same sex marriage and consider homosexuality a sin.

It's one of the things you and he had in common. But that's no argument against the rainbow flag.

The gay rainbow flag is seen by many Christians as a symbol of hate and oppression — and for good reason. Under that banner, there has been an all-out assault by the media and the Left against our religious freedoms. Under that banner, on the same day of the Chattanooga terror attack, a Jewish man was physically threatened in person and on social media by Inside Edition’s Zoey Tur, a man who identifies as a woman.

If there's one thing you guys know how to do, it's play the victim. Grow up.


Hall of Fame
It is time to shame and marginalize the gay rainbow flag — this offensive, provocative symbol of hate and oppression must be tossed on the ash bin of history…

As is the confederate flag ... careful, your selective morality is showing ...

Before it kills again.

Flags don't kill, people kill.