Brazilian Spiritism has a home in Maryland


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Sçiritism isn't really a religion, it's a "spiritualistic doctrine codified in the 19th century by the French educator Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, under the codename Allan Kardec". It's proposed the study of "the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world". You can read more about it on

A Brazilian film called "astral city a spiritual journey" that shows parte of the beliefs of spiritism. It's based in a book allegedly written by a spirit called André Luis, channelled by medium Chico Xavier.

Trailer with subtitles in English:

The movie was released in the US. Click on the image bellow to enkarge it.



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I had a friend who got involved in a Brazilian church. He told me how impressed he was that the preacher's eyes rolled back in his head when he was "in the spirit". Soon after he came under spiritual attack seeing and hearing things in his home. I advised him to leave that church. I don't know if he ever did but I hope so.
Good advice.