Bonhoeffer and Eric Metaxas on BEL
This is the show from Monday April 5th, 2010.
* Bonhoeffer Biographer Launches Historic Book: New York Times best-selling author and friend of the unborn child and of the Personhood Movement, Eric Metaxas, talks to BEL about what Bob Enyart calls Eric's next best seller (!), Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Also, please pray that Yad Vashem reverses its determination and adds Dietrich Bonhoeffer to their Avenue of the Righteous.
Today’s Resource: Enjoy listening to Bob Enyart’s Bible study on miracles and healing titled Details Galore! Did you realize that men often react negatively to displays of God’s power? The ten plagues in Egypt, the forty years of miracles in the wilderness, and Christ’s wonders in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum all left onlookers in a state of unbelief. Bob's study on CD, Details Galore, analyzes the scriptural material on this aspect of human behavior by evaluating every single miracle listed in the Bible! Also, you can read this same analysis in Bob’s life’s work, the best-selling book, The Plot!
This is the show from Monday April 5th, 2010.
One of the first books I read [as a new Christian] was by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship. And people ask me, "Bob, how did you end up living a radical form of Christianity?" And I answer, "By reading the Bible and Bonhoeffer."
Bonhoeffer could see from the beginning that you've got to take a stand against this evil boldly and early. And if you don't do that, the evil stays one step ahead. The evil was one step ahead of the church in the NAZI times.
* Bonhoeffer Biographer Launches Historic Book: New York Times best-selling author and friend of the unborn child and of the Personhood Movement, Eric Metaxas, talks to BEL about what Bob Enyart calls Eric's next best seller (!), Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Also, please pray that Yad Vashem reverses its determination and adds Dietrich Bonhoeffer to their Avenue of the Righteous.
Today’s Resource: Enjoy listening to Bob Enyart’s Bible study on miracles and healing titled Details Galore! Did you realize that men often react negatively to displays of God’s power? The ten plagues in Egypt, the forty years of miracles in the wilderness, and Christ’s wonders in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum all left onlookers in a state of unbelief. Bob's study on CD, Details Galore, analyzes the scriptural material on this aspect of human behavior by evaluating every single miracle listed in the Bible! Also, you can read this same analysis in Bob’s life’s work, the best-selling book, The Plot!