Bob's Advice for U.S. Senate Candidate Akin


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Bob's Advice for U.S. Senate Candidate Akin

This is the show from Monday, August 20th, 2012.


* Missouri's U.S. Senate Candidate Todd Akin Under Attack: Being criticized most severely from his own Republican Party (with calls for him to drop out of the race), Todd Akin is in the fight of his life (and for the life of the unborn). He stated that conception is more rare as a result of rape than otherwise because a woman's body appears to have a defense mechanism that minimizes the likelihood of pregnancy. Bob Enyart talks through today's tempest and provides the physiological, political, and historical context for understanding the issue.

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Joel McD wrote an excellent article on the subject.

Legitimate political gang rape

"We expect leftists, liberals, and other miscreants to pounce opportunistically, to lie, cheat, and twist (all the while drooling) over a phrase like “legitimate rape” when uttered by a strong conservative Christian politician. But should we expect the same from alleged conservatives?"

Frayed Knot

New member
The context for understanding this is simple: Akin's a fool.

And while he used a very poor choice of words ("legitimate rape"), that's not what's so offensive about his remarks. People who defend him saying that he just should have chosen a different phrase are missing the point.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
The context for understanding this is simple: Akin's a fool.

Now that is a truly profound statement. :plain: He is one of the re-publican's I will vote for. I live in his congressional district.