Bob Schaffer Opposes Personhood Amendment

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Bob Schaffer Opposes Personhood Amendment

This is the show from Friday August 8th, 2008.

This cowardly position that, "We're going to wait until the courts lead us - we Christian pro-lifers, the bishops of the country, we're going to wait until the courts lead us. We're not going to lead. We don't have the political courage, the moral fortitute, the spiritual integrity to teach the truth that every child is made in God's image and likeness and has the God-given right to life from his Creator and he is a person, she is a person. We are afraid to stand up for what is true. We're afraid."

This is fear-driven politics. This is status quo, power based politics. And Bob Schaffer should be blasted by every pro-lifer. Blasted. Pro-life Republicans need to learn, "You're going to either stand up and be courageous - if you view the unborn as a liability, you're going to go down. Not from the other side, from us. From us. Lord willing, you're going to go down."


* Round 3 of 7 in RTL vs. Schaffer: Colorado's Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer has now openly betrayed innocent life. After years of lip service calculated to get pro-life donations and votes while claiming to believe that life begins at fertilization, now that "pro-life" Schaffer has the opportunity to fight to put that principle into law, he has betrayed the unborn and publicly opposes Colorado's personhood Amendment 48. Politically naïve Schaffer thinks that we cannot advocate personhood in law until the courts are ready to uphold it. But of course, our godless courts will NEVER come around to acknowledging personhood while our own Christian and "pro-life" leaders are too foolish and timid to advocate that the law protect the God-given right to life of the unborn. All pro-lifers should agree: this is just not the right time to elect Bob Schaffer.

* American RTL NEEDS YOU for its DNC Sheets Project: Old friends and new friends, we need your help if you can sew or fold sheets! Much of the work on ARTL's DNC Sheets of Shame project is top secret, but even if we don't know you, you can come on out and help with this historic project! We're working seven days a week, three shifts a day! Call to sign up to help, 1-888-888-ARTL (2785)! See below...

* Power in the Park: sponsored by American Right To Life during the 2008 DNC to expose the democrat-supported genocide of black babies. Please plan to come on out during the mornings of the DNC to the Martin Luther King Jr. Park right across from Planned Parenthood's brand new 52,000 mega-abortion facility in yet another minority neighborhood. Speakers include Jesse Lee Peterson, Ambassador Alan Keyes, Clennard Childress (, Matt Trewhella, Bob Enyart, Flip Benham of Operation Rescue, plus a dozen others!

American Right To Life is standing in the gap for unborn babies during the Democratic Nat'l Convention, August 24-27 with Power in the Park, daily from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Denver's Martin Luther King Jr. Park at 38th and Olive. Evening rallies begin at 6:30 p.m. at 10828 Huron St. in Northglenn.

The nation's most powerful speakers, Dr Alan Keyes, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Rev.Clenard Childress and Rev. Flip Benham will come together in Martin Luther King Jr. Park to expose the genocidal roots of Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party. As a result, one out of every two black babies is aborted, decimating the black population in America.

"Abortion ends more black lives than heart disease, cancer, accidents, AIDS, and violent crime combined. African Americans constitute little more than 12 percent of the population but have more than a third (37 percent) of abortions. That rate has held relatively constant, though in some regions the numbers are much starker; in Mississippi, black women receive some 72 percent of all abortions, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Nationwide, 512 out of every 1,000 black pregnancies end in an abortion. Revealingly enough, roughly 80 percent of Planned Parenthood's abortion centers are in or near minority communities." -Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

Modern day trailblazers, Keith Mason, Kristi Burton and Cal Zastrow of Colorado for Equal Rights will bring us up to date on Amendment 48, the first of its kind in the country which will protect all people from the moment of fertilization.

Other pro life leaders joining us in Denver will be:
Pastor Kevin Swanson, host of Generations Radio and President of Christian Home Educators of CO
Pastor Geno Geraci, Calvary South & radio host of Crosswalk 94.7 FM
Brian Rohrbough, president of American Right to Life -
Pastor Joe Riccobono, president of Colorado Right to Life -
Bishop Phillip H. Porter is the founder of All Nations Pentecostal Church of God in Christ in Aurora
Pastor Bob Enyart of Denver Bible Church and radio talk show host,
Pastor Dale Sochia from New Orleans
Will Duffy, the founder of the Collaborator's Project-
Pastor Matt Trewhella of Missionaries to the Preborn-
Steve Curtis, President of American Right to Life Action-
Jill Stanek, pro life nurse, hero, and blogger-
Ron Brock, truth truck driver-
Ken and Jo Scott, directors of Pro Life Colorado

And Dr. Alveda King will be there also, speaking in the same park, but with another pro-life group. PRAISE THE LORD!

For hotel accommodations call: Motel 6, (303) 429-1550, 6 West 83rd Pl., Thornton Colorado, at I-25 at 84th Ave, Exit #219, and ask to reserve a room reserved in the name of Colorado RTL.

For more info, call Jo Scott
American RTL
303 550-8170 or

* Sewers and Untrained Helpers Needed: American RTL's DNC Welcoming Committee has collected 2,300 sheets for their top secret Sheets of Shame project! And they're running three daily shifts of volunteers (all ARTL officials work without salary), mornings, afternoons, and evenings, seven days a week! We need folks to sort and fold sheets, to iron, and seamstresses (and we've even had two guys sewing so far). Needed: Can you help ARTL sew these sheets? ARTL has the sewing machines and thread. They need volunteers, both experienced and inexperienced (some folks are assemblers who only move the fabric along). Please call 1-888-888-ARTL or 303 587-3660 to sign up for a morning, afternoon, or evening 3-hour shift in Arvada Colorado anytime from now till the DNC.

Sponsor a Sheet: Can you sponsor a sheet? For any size contribution to help this project succeed, you can be a sponsor and we'll write your name on a sheet (or a Bible verse or something else). You can click to donate to American RTL to help fund the $5,000 Sheets of Shame project or call 1-888-888-ARTL!

Gold S-O-S Sponsor: Can you be a $1,000 Gold Sponsor of the top secret DNC Sheets of Shame project? If so, please call 1-888-888-ARTL (2785) or click to donate to ARTL! And we'll also want to dedicate 10 sheets to you with your message! Be a part of this historic project!

Today's Resource: BEL Resources can help you and provide urgent financial support to keep Bob on the air reaching more and more people! We need your help today! By subscribing to the Monthly Sermons resource, every month the U.S. Mail will deliver Bob's sermons to your door. Also, you can consider subscribing to the BEL Televised Classics on DVD (to see the educational and often hilarious, and sometimes intense, episodes from Bob's nationally syndicated TV show). And you can subscribe to our monthly Bible Study Albums, or our monthly topical Videos! In fact, you could also sign up to donate monthly to BEL. These resource subscriptions will help you grow spiritually and intellectually! So many have reported that the biblical knowledge they gain from these resources is so practical that it has helped them improve: their marriages and other relationships, parenting and grand-parenting, work relationships, evangelizing, and so many general life skills! And of course, subscribing to one or more of these services will not only help you, at the same time you will be helping KGOV continue to reach more people with our biblically-based worldview!
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